
Robert P Bresnan


from Rochester, NY

Also known as:
  • Robert Bresnan Bresnan
Phone and address:
39 Avacado Ln, Rochester, NY 14606
585 426-1190

Robert Bresnan Phones & Addresses

  • 39 Avacado Ln, Rochester, NY 14606 • 585 426-1190
  • Locke, NY
  • Moravia, NY
  • 39 Avacado Ln, Rochester, NY 14606


  • Position:
    Construction and Extraction Occupations


  • Degree:
    Bachelor's degree or higher


  • Licence:
    Dist. of Columbia - Active
  • Date:

Lawyers & Attorneys

Robert Bresnan Photo 1

Robert V Bresnan - Lawyer

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Dist. of Columbia - Active 1994


Robert Bresnan Photo 2

Robert Bresnan

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Robert Bresnan Photo 3

Robert Bresnan

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United States

Us Patents

  • Film Packet Holder Improvement

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  • US Patent:
    49948350, Feb 19, 1991
  • Filed:
    Dec 20, 1989
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Guenter H. Loose - Webster NY
    Robert P. Bresnan - Rochester NY
  • Assignee:
    Eastman Kodak Company - Rochester NY
  • International Classification:
    G03B 1726
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A packet for daylight-handling of photosensitive film and a cooperating holder mountable on a camera back. The packet has film removably attached to a carrier. The carrier has an asymmetrical tab at one end and a transverse light-locking element at its opposite end. Telescopically receivable over the carrier and film is a light-shielding envelope. The envelope has an open end that is closable by engagement with the light-locking element and a closed end with a squeezable area that overlies and, when grasped, squeezes the tab, to prevent inadvertent separation of the envelope from the carrier. An adjacent area, not overlying the tab, is graspable for pulling the squeezable area free of the tab and the envelope away from the film, to permit intended exposure. The envelope also has, near its open end, a stop strip for limiting envelope movement. The packet is slidably insertable into, and withdrawable from, the cooperating holder, which includes a spring-loaded pressure-applying member for maintaining the film in an exposure plane, a spring-loaded blocking member engageable with the light-locking element to retain the carrier in place, a pair of spring-loaded arresting members engageable by the stop strip to limit envelope movement while the carrier is retained, and a releasing member that is manually actuable for negating the spring-loadings on the pressure-applying, blocking, and arresting members, to permit unrestricted withdrawal of the packet from the holder.
  • Film Packet Improvement

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  • US Patent:
    49948369, Feb 19, 1991
  • Filed:
    Dec 20, 1989
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Guenter H. Loose - Webster NY
    Robert P. Bresnan - Rochester NY
  • Assignee:
    Eastman Kodak Company - Rochester NY
  • International Classification:
    G03B 1726
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A packet for daylight-handling of photosensitive film and a cooperating holder mountable on a camera back. The packet has film removably attached to a carrier. The carrier has an asymmetrical tab at one end and a transverse light-locking element at its opposite end. Telescopically receivable over the carrier and film is a light-shielding envelope. The envelope has an open end that is closable by engagement with the light-locking element and a closed end with a squeezable area that overlies and, when grasped, squeezes the tab, to prevent inadvertent separation of the envelope from the carrier. An adjacent area, not overlying the tab, is graspable for pulling the squeezable area free of the tab and the envelope away from the film, to permit intended exposure. The envelope also has, near its open end, a stop strip for limiting envelope movement. The packet is slidably insertable into, and withdrawable from, the cooperating holder, which includes a spring-loaded pressure-applying member for maintaining the film in an exposure plane, a spring-loaded blocking member engageable with the light-locking element to retain the carrier in place, a pair of spring-loaded arresting members engageable by the stop strip to limit envelope movement while the carrier is retained, and a releasing member that is manually actuable for negating the spring-loadings on the pressure-applying, blocking, and arresting members, to permit unrestricted withdrawal of the packet from the holder.



Robert Bresnan Photo 10

Robert Bresnan

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Gemma Lasenby, Daniel Giffin, Richard Nicolls, Jaden Meek, Nick Dykes


Robert Bresnan Photo 11

Iona Preparatory, New roc...

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James Sudbay (1960-1964),
Robert Bresnan (1974-1978),
Luis Penichet (1968-1972),
Robert Juergens (1948-1952),
Nikolaos Stavrianopoulos (1992-1996)


Robert Bresnan Photo 12

Robert Bresnan

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St.Louis, Missouri


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Tim Bresnan - 57 year old Armwrestler - ARMW...

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  • Duration:
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