Apr 2014 to 2000 Escrow Assistant/Curative SpecialistRodger M. Sanders, P.C Plano, TX 2004 to 2014 Old Republic Title/Fee attorneyHomecomings Financial Mortgage Company Dallas, TX 1998 to 2001 Loan Officer in the Refinance DepartmentStewart Land Title Company Plano, TX 1996 to 1997 Escrow AssistantSafeco Land Title Company Dallas, TX 1994 to 1996 Executive/Escrow AssistantAmerican Title Company Dallas, TX 1992 to 1994 Escrow OfficerCommonwealth Land Title Company Dallas, TX 1990 to 1992 Escrow Assistant/Receptionist
University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 1986 to 1990 Bachelor of Arts in Visual Communications
Monica Hardaway 1996 graduate of Byhalia High School in Byhalia, MS is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with Monica and other high school alumni from Byhalia ...