James Foong - Millbrae CA, US Steven Toy - Foster City CA, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
375/240120, 375/240000, 375/240010
An MPEG Optimization Software (MOPSW) for maximizing a Video Compression. Ratio (VDCR) while maintaining a good output Video Image Quality (VDIQ) of an Input MPEG file (IMPEG) is disclosed. The IMPEG has a set of adjustable MPEG Control Parameters affecting both its VDCR and VDIQ. In a specific embodiment with application to MPEG2 files, the MOPSW employs the following optimized set of adjustable MPEG Control Parameters:and achieved a VDCR that is at least 200% higher than what is typically available from current DVD suppliers in the art while maintaining a good output VDIQ for a representative set of movie titles. An associated method of iteratively determining the optimized set of adjustable MPEG Control Parameters is also presented.