
Emma Su Turcotte

from Muncie, IN

Emma Turcotte Phones & Addresses

  • Muncie, IN
  • Dorchestr Ctr, MA


Emma Turcotte Photo 1

Emma Turcotte

Emma Turcotte Photo 2

Emma Turcotte


MIDWEEK Dec. 2, 2020: Emma Turcotte | Rewriti...

It is the task of the translator to release in [their] own language th...

  • Duration:
    10m 44s

What Brought Me to Quakerism?

Emma Turcotte: So I had never heard of Quakers before, and I went to u...

  • Duration:
    6m 38s

If Ever I Should Love You by Cathy Maxwell A...

Once upon a time there were three young ladies who, despite their fort...

  • Duration:
    7h 43m 1s

Thrift Shop down the road Parody

THRIFT SHOP BY MACKLEMORE Remake by US :) Hope you like it.

  • Duration:
    3m 58s

The Earl Claims His Wife by Cathy Maxwell Aud...

She'll be his perfect wife . . . Preoccupied with fighting Napoleon an...

  • Duration:
    7h 23m 30s

Healing From the Sin of Separation

Emma Turcotte: In terms of structure it followed I think kind of a sim...

  • Duration:
    6m 19s

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