Dr. Singer graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1990. She works in Portland, OR and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Singer is affiliated with Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center and Salem Hospital.
Isbn (Books And Publications)
Don'T Eat The Marshmallow...yet!: The Secret To Sweet Success In Work And Life
New York, NYFounder/Executive Director at WomenTeachingWomen o... Past: Branch Manager at gilford securities, Vice President, Financial Consultant at Paine Weber Ellen Rosen Singer, a well-established management consultant, brings her expertise in operations, strategic planning, finance and business psychology to... Ellen Rosen Singer, a well-established management consultant, brings her expertise in operations, strategic planning, finance and business psychology to BizBuilding, Inc., the ultimate resource for business professionals. Singer has extensive experience managing companies and starting new...