Apr 1991 to 2000 Warehouse Foreman, Cross docks, show site receiving, Ringing Foreman. Lead man / Working Foreman freight department.
local 712 stagehands Las Vegas, NV 2010 to 2014 stage and rigging coursesNevada OSHA Las Vegas, NV 1991 to 2014 nevada OSHA safety, heavy rigging coarses and state standards taken yearly.uprr training coarse Eugene, OR 2005 to 2007 CPR. trainingUnion Pacific Railroad Eugene, OR 2005 to 2007 certified ConductorClark County Community College Las Vegas, NV 1983 to 1984 applied sciences of architecture, structural engineering
OSHA Training in Rigging and Heavy Equipment, Safety education and computer programs implemented with Industry companies. Crane operation up to 60 ton boom. Trained by present inhouse company, recertification yearly. (Not an OSHA certification)
darrell burpee 1979 graduate of William E. Orr Junior High School in Las vegas, NV is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with darrell and other high school alumni ...
Burpees - How To Do Burpees and Avoid Common ...
How To Do Burpees and Avoid Common Injuries In this video Funk Roberts...
4m 25s
Dumbbell Burpee // Efficiency & Technique Tips
The DB Burpee is a challenging, full body exercise that tests dynamic ...
2m 9s
Burpees - Burpee Workout with Dumbbells
Burpee - Burpee workout using dumbbells. This is a burpee finisher usi...
1m 31s
The Gorilla Burpee
For this variation on the burpee, start with your feet slightly farthe...
4m 37s
How To Do A Burpee | The Right Way | Well+Good
Burpees are one of the most challenging moves in the fitness world. Ch...
3m 24s
DB burpees
Dumbbell burpees take a pair of dumbbells and have a nice wide stance ...
30 Dec 2011 Darrell Burpee has not filled out his profile yet. ... Darrell Burpee is using Google+ . Join Google+ to connect with the people who matter most.