Jan 2004 to 2000 Supervisor/ManagementBureau Of Office Services Burr Ridge, IL May 1998 to Feb 2000 Medical TranscriptionistCentury 21 R & M Serwy Schaumburg, IL Feb 1995 to Apr 1999 Real Estate Agent
CLC Grayslake, IL 2002 to 2003 Some college in Customer service, Medical Transcription, RealestateBarrington High School Barrington, IL Barrington High School in Business
Customer Service, Medical Transcription, Accounts Receivable, Real Estate, Management.
Chris Epp - Pictures
"Pictures" - my first own song. written by: Gunther Grittmann arranged...
4m 22s
christian epp
house cleaning, dish washing, sweeping and proper waste disposal. #cle...
2m 3s
Interview with Christian Epp of Tilke Enginee...
Kevin talks to Christian Epp about the design of the facility in Austin.
3m 13s
Lab 4
An introduction to Piktochart.
1m 3s
Christian Epp - Mexico City Formula 1 Track B...
Building state of the art racetracks around the globe, by Christian Ep...
16m 10s
Dein ist mein ganzes Herz - Heinz Rudolf Kunz...
Autoren: Heinz Rudolf Kunze (Text) Heiner Lyrik (Komposition) Arrangie...