
Armand E Nachbauer


from Lady Lake, FL

Also known as:
  • Armand Emile Nachbauer
  • Armand Trs Nachbauer
  • Anna E Nachbauer
  • Aue E Nachbauer
  • Louise Nachbauer
Phone and address:
811 Bolivar St, Lady Lake, FL 32159
352 753-8887

Armand Nachbauer Phones & Addresses

  • 811 Bolivar St, Lady Lake, FL 32159 • 352 753-8887
  • 1 Jerry Dr, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 • 518 314-1525
  • 11779 Tennyson St, Sharonville, OH 45241 • 513 247-9771
  • Cincinnati, OH

Us Patents

  • Lockable Outdoor Water Faucet Article

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  • US Patent:
    59271116, Jul 27, 1999
  • Filed:
    Oct 20, 1997
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Armand E. Nachbauer - Lady Lake FL
  • International Classification:
    F16K 3506
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    An outdoor water faucet article is configured to secure a building water faucet from unauthorized use. The article is lockable, yet is readily unlocked to access the water faucet. The article comprises a first housing half, a complementary second housing half and locking mechanism. The first and second housing halves are hingeably connected. Together they form an enclosure for the water faucet and can be secured together by the locking mechanism to prevent access to the water faucet. Upon unlocking, the second housing half is rotated away from the first housing half to allow full access to the water faucet so that its handle can be turned and a garden hose attached to its terminus. A wall mounting mechanism is optionally used to attach at least one housing half to a wall of the building where used. Insulation can be used to line the interior walls of the housing halves to add a freeze protection feature to the article.
  • Golf Club Cover Holding Device For Attachment To A Golf Bag

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  • US Patent:
    55866743, Dec 24, 1996
  • Filed:
    Dec 13, 1995
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Armand E. Nachbauer - Lady Lake FL
  • International Classification:
    A63B 5500
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A golf club cover device for semi-permanent attachment to a golf bag serves the purpose of promptly alerting a golfer to a missing golf club, particularly an iron. The device comprises a receiving member and an L-shaped meshing member. The receiving member has a main body with a passageway extending through it and a vertical hooking leg extending along one side. In use, the vertical hooking leg extends over an open-top edge of the golf bag and helps to hold the receiving member in place. A substantially horizontal leg of the L-shaped meshing member is configured to fit in the passageway of the receiving member for limited rotational movement. A protuberance on an enlarged terminus of the horizontal leg of the L-shaped member is used to engage a sidewall of the golf bag. A substantially vertical leg on the meshing member is used to hold the club cover. In use, the L-shaped meshing member rocks from a non-locking position to a locking position whereby the protuberance is forced into contact with the golf bag.

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