David Beamer (1999-2002), Gary Howser (1963-1964), Jessica Andrews (1993-1994)
David Beamer
Bragging Rights:
I found the NAZCA whale ship the moon Iapetus!
David Beamer
David Beamer
David Beamer
David Beamer
David Beamer
Pasadena, CA Claremont, CA Arcadia, CA New York, NY Portland, PA Raleigh, NC Wilmington, NC Virginia Beach, VA Sydney, Australia Charleston, SC Buchannon, VA
"What's the difference between a pocketknife and a box cutter, for crying out loud?" asked David Beamer, whose son Todd led the Flight 93 revolt with the words, "Let's roll." ''I cannot see the upside to this."
"For years and years to come, the crew and the soldiers and sailors onboard the Somerset, they won't just represent what happened on September 11th but they'll further demonstrate offense and defense. Our freedom at the ready," said David Beamer who lost a son on Flight 93.
Holder and the White House got a thorough drubbing by critics and supporters alike Monday for reversing course and breaking a campaign promise to close the detainee prison facility at Guantanamo Bay and try KSM and 9/11 co-conspirators in civilian courts. But one of the most searing critiques came Tuesday morning from David Beamer, the father of Todd Beamer, the renowned hero of United Airlines flight 93 who fought the terrorists before the plane crashed in Shanksville, Pa.
The Justice Department's decision to try alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other suspects via military tribunals is the focus of a House Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for 10:00 a.m. ET. Legal scholars and David Beamer, whose son Todd perished on United flight 93, testify.
Date: Apr 05, 2011
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Congressmen say Obama made the right choice on Guantanamo trials
David Beamer, the father of slain Sept. 11 hero Todd Beamer, accused the Obama administration of "ignoring, tolerating, overlooking and misleading" the families of Sept. 11 victims with its earlier support of civilian trials.