Dr. Wallace graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine at Memphis in 1996. She works in Hermitage, TN and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Wallace is affiliated with Tristar Medical Center.
Ms. Wallace works in Raleigh, NC and specializes in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Ms. Wallace is affiliated with Duke Raleigh Hospital, Nash General Hospital, Rex Hospital and Wakemed Raleigh Campus.
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carbon footprint.Our program is focused on educating people about renewable energy. We help them understand the technology and how it can benefit them. This is also a referral program and we assist people during the entire project cycle, said Cynthia Wallace, Powering Paradise project director.
Date: May 14, 2018
Category: Business
Source: Google
Boy found dead after watching mom get beaten, tossed from cliff
Cynthia Wallace, Durhams mother and the boys grandmother, said she is still without power at her home near Winter Haven, Florida. She described James as a sweet boy who loved playing with cars and trucks and being in the water. He recently started kindergarten, and Wallace said she enjoyed looking