Lead Technical Artist at Microsoft Past: Co-founder | Senior CG Supervisor at The Dreamhive Animation Studio, Adjunct... I have been a professional artist for over 13 years. I attended Syracuse University where I was named VPA Scholar and graduated with Honors in Computer... I have been a professional artist for over 13 years. I attended Syracuse University where I was named VPA Scholar and graduated with Honors in Computer Graphics. I initially worked in commercial post-production at Curious Pictures in NYC on projects for HBO, Oscar Mayer, Quaker Oats, Kraft, and...
Wesley Grandmont's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Wesley Grandmont keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's ...
Student Wesley Grandmont shares his experienc...
3m 6s
Halo 4: Content Performance Tips & Techniques
In this 2014 GDC talk, 343 Entertainment's Wes Grandmont III shares te...
45m 45s
Yamaha ttr50 spinning mud Wesley
A Celebration Of The Life Of Sis. Roselyn McN...
1h 34m 17s
How Long Can The BMW Go On Auto Pilot?
Wondering how long your BMW can go on auto pilot? We've got the answer...
Wesley Crack - Film GTA RP
Yo les reufs ! Petit Film de toute l'aventure sur GTA RP pour rsumer l...
Wesley Grandmont 1993 graduate of Laconia High School in Laconia, NH is on Classmates.com. See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Wesley and other high school ...