
Vinod K Bhardwaj

age ~79

from Los Gatos, CA

Also known as:
  • Vinod K Bhardwha
  • Vinod Bhardwas
  • Vinod A
Phone and address:
23485 Summit Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033

Vinod Bhardwaj Phones & Addresses

  • 23485 Summit Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033
  • Lahaina, HI
  • 5222 Hawkstone Way, San Jose, CA 95138
  • 164 Stockbridge Ave, Atherton, CA 94027 • 408 839-1853
  • Campbell, CA


  • Position:
    Clerical/White Collar


  • Degree:
    Associate degree or higher


Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 1

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 2

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Us Patents

  • Integrated Socket With Chip Carrier

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  • US Patent:
    6381283, Apr 30, 2002
  • Filed:
    Oct 7, 1998
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA
    Larry W. Haugen - Lincoln City OR
  • Assignee:
    ControlNet, Inc. - Campbell CA
  • International Classification:
    H04B 300
  • US Classification:
    375257, 375219
  • Abstract:
    An integrated module incorporates not only a cable socket, but also a chip carrier for an integrated circuit and a daughter card for discrete components. The module can be mounted on any printed circuit board, within a switch, router, hub or other network device. A network socket, one or more integrated circuits and all discrete components (resistors, capacitors, coil, etc. ) are contained within the module. The functionality of a transceiver and a media access controller are split into a digital portion and an analog portion. Each of the digital and analog functionality is implemented on a separate integrated circuit and both integrated circuits are placed next to one another in the chip carrier within the integrated module. Shielding around the socket is extended to surround the entire integrated module. The metal shielding extends underneath the integrated module and contacts the copper base of the chip carrier to serve as a heat sink.
  • Message Transcription, Voice Query And Query Delivery System

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  • US Patent:
    7698140, Apr 13, 2010
  • Filed:
    Mar 6, 2006
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA, US
    Scott England - Los Gatos CA, US
    Dean Whitlock - Bristol TN, US
  • Assignee:
    FoneWeb, Inc. - Santa Clara CA
  • International Classification:
    G10L 13/00
    G10L 13/08
  • US Classification:
    704260, 704258, 704267
  • Abstract:
    A message transmission system accepts a telephone call from a user who wishes to send an e-mail message, send an SMS message, perform an Internet query or retrieve his or her electronic mail. The voice call is transcribed and the message is sent, or the question in the voice call is transcribed and answered by an agent. Any number of agents connect to a central site over an Internet connection and transcribe messages or answer queries in an assembly line like fashion. In addition, a Web query delivery system accepts a query or statement from a user; the query is transcribed, classified, and then broadcast over any medium to any number of experts or web sites that desire to answer the particular type of query received. The entire query is delivered to an expert or web site who provides a full answer to the user.
  • Speech Controlled Services And Devices Using Internet

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  • US Patent:
    8032383, Oct 4, 2011
  • Filed:
    Jun 15, 2007
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA, US
    Scott England - Los Gatos CA, US
    Dean Whitlock - Bristol TN, US
  • Assignee:
    FoneWeb, Inc. - Santa Clara CA
  • International Classification:
    G10L 21/06
  • US Classification:
    704275, 704235, 455420
  • Abstract:
    A speech service, including a speech-to-text engine and a text-to-speech engine, creates and maintains user profiles at a central location accessible over the Internet. A user connects to a software application over a mobile telephone and delivers a voice command. The speech service transcribes the voice command into a text command for the software application. The software application performs a service desired by the user and delivers a text result to the speech service that is converted into a speech result that is delivered to the user. A user speaks to a hardware device to perform a function. The hardware device sends the speech to the speech service over the Internet that transcribes the speech into a text command that is sent over the Internet to a device service provider. The device service provider maps the text command into a device command that is then sent back over the Internet to the hardware device to perform the function. A remote hardware device can be controlled using the software application.
  • Precision Speech To Text Conversion

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  • US Patent:
    8041565, Oct 18, 2011
  • Filed:
    Jun 15, 2007
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA, US
    Scott England - Los Gatos CA, US
    Dean Whitlock - Bristol TN, US
  • Assignee:
    FoneWeb, Inc. - Santa Clara CA
  • International Classification:
    G10L 15/26
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A speech-to-text conversion module uses a central database of user speech profiles to convert speech to text. Incoming audio information is fragmented into numerous audio fragments based upon detecting silence. The audio information is also converted to numerous text files by any number of speech engines. Each text file is then fragmented into numerous text fragments based upon the boundaries established during the audio fragmentation. Each set of text fragments from the different speech engines corresponding to a single audio fragments is then compared. The best approximation of the audio fragment is produced from the set of text fragments; a hybrid may be produced. If no agreement is reached, the audio fragment and set the text fragments are sent to human agents who verify and edit to produce a final edited text fragment that best corresponds to the audio fragment. Fragmentation that produces overlapping audio fragments requires splicing of the final text fragments to produce the output text file.
  • Message Transcription, Voice Query And Query Delivery System

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  • US Patent:
    8086454, Dec 27, 2011
  • Filed:
    Feb 8, 2010
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA, US
    Scott England - Los Gatos CA, US
    Dean Whitlock - Bristol TN, US
  • Assignee:
    FoneWeb, Inc. - Santa Clara CA
  • International Classification:
    G10L 15/00
    G10L 15/26
  • US Classification:
    704235, 704231, 704251
  • Abstract:
    A message transmission system accepts a telephone call from a user who wishes to send an e-mail message, send an SMS message, perform an Internet query or retrieve his or her electronic mail. The voice call is transcribed and the message is sent, or the question in the voice call is transcribed and answered by an agent. Any number of agents connect to a central site over an Internet connection and transcribe messages or answer queries in an assembly line like fashion. In addition, a Web query delivery system accepts a query or statement from a user; the query is transcribed, classified, and then broadcast over any medium to any number of experts or web sites that desire to answer the particular type of query received. The entire query is delivered to an expert or web site who provides a full answer to the user.
  • Web Site Or Directory Search Using Speech Recognition Of Letters

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  • US Patent:
    8185539, May 22, 2012
  • Filed:
    Nov 6, 2008
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA, US
  • Assignee:
    FoneWeb, Inc. - Santa Clara CA
  • International Classification:
    G06F 17/30
  • US Classification:
    707756, 707758
  • Abstract:
    A mobile telephone is used to search the web site (or computer database) of an entity to find information such as in an FAQ. The user speaks the first few letters of a word (or the first few letters of each of a string of words) into the telephone. The spoken letters are converted into text, search words are formed and the search is sent to the web site. A match results in the answer to the question being returned to the user. Once the first letters are spelled out, the latter letters are essentially redundant, and software can figure out what the intended word is. Error correction is used if the user or speech engine makes a mistake. Confidence values are output by the speech engine when recognizing a spoken letter. The location of each letter and the number of letters spoken is taken into account when attempting a match. The search technique not only matches recognized letters, but also matches their determined location within a search word.
  • Computer Network Switching System

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  • US Patent:
    52746313, Dec 28, 1993
  • Filed:
    Mar 11, 1991
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA
  • Assignee:
    Kalpana, Inc. - San Jose CA
  • International Classification:
    H04L 1246
    H04L 1256
  • US Classification:
    370 60
  • Abstract:
    A network switching system is described. The network switching system comprises a first port coupled to a source, a second port coupled to a destination, and multiplexer means coupled to the first port and the second port for transferring data between the first port and the second port by selectively connecting the first port with the second port. The data is transferred from the source to the destination through the first port, the multiplexer means, and the second port. The network switching system further includes processing means coupled to the multiplexer means for assisting transmission of the data by receiving the data from the first port when the first port does not indicate a port for the destination. A method of transferring data from a source to a destination via a network switching system is also described.
  • Method And Apparatus For Communicating Across Adsl Lines

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  • US Patent:
    6215785, Apr 10, 2001
  • Filed:
    Feb 11, 1998
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Roy G. Batruni - Fremont CA
    Vinod K. Bhardwaj - San Jose CA
  • Assignee:
    ControlNet, Inc. - Campbell CA
  • International Classification:
    H04J 302
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    Methods and apparatus for efficiently communicating across an asymmetric digital subscriber loop are disclosed. According to one aspect of the present invention, a method for communicating between a computer in a central office and a remote computer across DSL communications links involves sending a first set of data from the central office computer across a first DSL communications link. The first DSL communications link couples the central office computer to a switch. The method also includes selecting a second DSL communications link, which couples the switch and the remote computer, and sending the first set of data from the switch to the remote computer across the second DSL communications link.
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Vinod Bhardwaj
Controlnet, Inc
Mfg Radio/TV Communication Equipment Mfg Semiconductors/Related Devices
2700 Augustine Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054
408 866-0656
Vinod Bhardwaj
Nonclassifiable Establishments
1608 W Campbell Ave #314, Campbell, CA 95008
3080 Olcott St, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Vinod Bhardwaj
747 Camden Ave STE C, Saratoga, CA 95070
747 Camden Ave, Campbell, CA 95008
Vinod Bhardwaj
Vaishali Semiconductor LLC
Semiconductor · Mfg Semiconductors
747 Camden Ave, Campbell, CA 95008


Vinod Bhardwaj Koi Kachu Kahe Mann Laga from ...

Bhajans Vinod Bhardwaj Koi Kachu Kahe Mann Laga from album Radha Raman

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    12 Sep, 2009
  • Duration:
    8m 59s

Vinod Bhardwaj Radha Raman Kaho from album Ra...

Bhajans Vinod Bhardwaj Radha Raman Kaho from album Radha Raman

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    12 Sep, 2009
  • Duration:
    7m 40s

Vinod Bhardwaj --Sri Ram Kahe Samjhayee---- f...

Bhajans Vinod Bhardwaj --Sri Ram Kahe Samjhayee---- from album Radha R...

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    12 Sep, 2009
  • Duration:
    10m 9s

Vinod Bhardwaj ---Album Radha Raman --- Govin...

Vinod Bhardwaj ---Album Radha Raman --- Govind Hare Gopal Hare (Bhajan)

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    02 Sep, 2009
  • Duration:
    7m 57s

Nashad Jaunpuri Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj at the Shanker Shad Mushira in Delhi

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    27 Aug, 2009
  • Duration:
    8m 40s

Vinod Bhardwaj ---Jag Mein Ram Bhaja So Jeeta...

Bhajans Vinod Bhardwaj ---Jag Mein Ram Bhaja So Jeeta -- from album Ra...

  • Category:
    People & Blogs
  • Uploaded:
    12 Sep, 2009
  • Duration:
    8m 49s


Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 3

Vinod Bhardwaj Vinod Bhar...

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 4

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 5

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 6

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 7

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 8

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 9

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 10

Vinod Bhardwaj

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Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 11

vinod bhardwaj

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mirth outsourcing services pvt


Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 12

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 13

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 14

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 15

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 16

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 17

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 18

Vinod Bhardwaj

Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 19

Vinod Bhardwaj


Vinod Bhardwaj Photo 20

vinod bhardwaj

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Delhi, India

Get Report for Vinod K Bhardwaj from Los Gatos, CA, age ~79
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