Chi Sigma Iota-International
Chi Sigma Iota is the international honor society of professional counseling and for professional counselors. It was established in 1985 through the efforts of leaders in the profession of counseling whose desire was to provide recognition for outstanding achievement as well as outstanding service within the profession. CSI was created for counselors-in-training, counselor educators, and professional counselors whose career commitment is to research and service through professional counseling.
Our mission is to promote scholarship, research, professionalism, leadership and excellence in counseling, and to recognize high attainment in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence in the profession of counseling. Our symbols and colors were chosen to reflect our mission and values: white for virtue, blue for trustworthy, and integrity throughout. Our Strategic Plan and Bylaws provide information about the purposes of and membership requirements for the Society.
Chi Sigma Iota has a rich history, summarized in pictures in our CSI Scrapbook, Annual Awards Program and Year in Review, and description of activities and accomplishments of the Society, working alone and in conjunction with other counseling associations to provide services to members of the counseling profession. A listing of past-presidents is included, as these persons reflect the rich tradition of excellence that is the hallmark of Chi Sigma Iota.
Our Membership is Worldwide
We currently have over 14,000 active members and over 85,000 initiated members. This makes CSI one of the largest single member organizations of professional counselors in the world. We have 283 chapters in the USA, Europe, and the Philippines with more added as counselor education programs commit to meeting national accreditation preparation standards. Members will be found in countries all over the world. With the evolution of professional counseling globally, we expect to support more chapters in more countries in the future.