A network system for computer aided instruction, comprises a main computer with a repository for storing courseware, a network of servers connected to the main computer, a number of local area networks, each connected to a server, and each comprising a number of interconnected workstations, a distributed delivery system responsive to a student's request for a course, operable to search the network for a server where the requested course resides, and operable to retrieve the course from the repository, and an authoring system distributed over the workstation, the servers and the main computer, and operable to transfer courses from a workstation to the repository, and a course management system distributed over the workstation, the servers and the main computer, and operable to manage course enrollment and to monitor student performance at said servers, and further operable to transfer information concerning course enrollment from said servers to said main computer. A computer program having provisions for training users in its use, comprises application code, hook points connected to the application code, and embedded training routines connected to the hook points, so that there is a mapping between the hook points and the embedded training routines. The application code has code responsive to a user action to transfer control from the hook points to the embedded training routines.