Executive Director, Center For the Future of Teaching and Learning
Senior Researcher
Harvard University Jun 1997 - Jun 1999
Spencer Fellow
Stanford University 1993 - 1997
Doctorates, Doctor of Philosophy, Education
Stanford University 1990 - 1991
Masters, Master of Arts, Education
Cornell University 1985 - 1989
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, English, French Literature
Research Qualitative Research Grants Community Outreach Nonprofits Non Profits Grant Writing Strategic Communications Program Evaluation Strategic Planning Policy Teaching Leadership Policy Analysis Program Management Fundraising Event Planning Public Speaking Program Development Proposal Writing Lecturing Business Development
Collecting Antiques Home Improvement Reading Gourmet Cooking Sports The Arts Golf Home Decoration Cooking Gardening Outdoors Electronics Crafts Music Movies Collecting Kids Automobiles Travel Boating Investing Traveling
Tracy Huebner's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Tracy Huebner keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, ...
Dana Sellman, Michael Jones, Megan Hanson, Kaley Hurt, Elizabeth Bunton, Jaime Escalante, Justin Coppedge, Seth Turner, Shawn Rodgers, Jeff Landwehr, Ryan Huebner
WestEd - Senior Research Associate (1999) Harvard University - Spencer Fellow (1997-1999)
Stanford University School of Education - Education, Cornell University - English and French Literature
Born in Boston, went to a super small prep school in Cambridge (BB&N), moved to California after college (Cornell) and have been here mostly since then.
Integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Bragging Rights:
Wonderful husband, Christian and twin daughters about to become teenagers!