2013 to 2000 Coordinator of Nuclear Medicine and Cardiovascular ServicesHigh Point Radiology Associates and Greensboro Radiology (Canopy Partners)
Oct 1979 to 2000 Adjunct Instructor Vascular UltrasoundGreensboro Radiology Associates Greensboro, NC 2011 to 2013High Point Radiology Associates and Greensboro Radiology (Canopy Partners) Winston-Salem, NC Aug 2008 to Jan 2011 Adjunct instructorLexington Radiology Associates Lexington, NC 1999 to 2011Lexington Memorial Hospital, Inc Lexington, NC 1979 to 1999
Burwin School of Ultrasound Winnipeg, MB 2000 Certificate in PhysicsBowman Gray School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC 1998 CertificateBowman Gray School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC 1995 CertificateBurwin School of Ultrasound Winnipeg, MB 1994 Certificate in PhysicsElon College 1975 to 1979Moses Cone School of Radiologic Technology Greensboro, NC 1979 CertificateEast Davidson High School Thomasville, NC 1975 High School Diploma
2000 to 2000 Coordinator of Nuclear Medicine and Cardiovascular ServicesLexington Memorial Hospital, Inc Winston-Salem, NC Aug 2008 to Jan 2011 Adjunct instructor for Forsyth Technical Community CollegeLexington Memorial Hospital, Inc Lexington, NC 1979 to 1996
Burwin School of Ultrasound Winnipeg, MB 2000 Certificate in Echocardiography and Cardiac PhysicsBowman Gray School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC 1998 CertificateBowman Gray School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC 1995 CertificateBurwin School of Ultrasound Winnipeg, MB 1994 Certificate in Ultrasound and Vascular PhysicsElon College 1975 to 1979 BS in Health SciencesMoses Cone School of Radiologic Technology Greensboro, NC 1979 CertificateEast Davidson High School Thomasville, NC 1975 DiplomaElon College Elon College, NC