University of Oklahoma Jun 2015 - May 2019
Associate Professor of Science Education
Deer Creek Public Schools Aug 2003 - May 2006
High School Science Teacher
University of Oklahoma 1998 - 2005
Doctorates, Doctor of Philosophy, Education
University of Oklahoma 1996 - 1998
Master of Education, Masters, Education
Tennessee Temple University 1992 - 1995
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Earth Science, Education
Higher Education Teaching University Teaching Curriculum Development Science Educational Technology Research Grant Writing Curriculum Design Distance Learning College Teaching Lecturing Program Development Community Outreach Citizen Science Educational Robotics Digital Learning Public Speaking Instructional Technology Staff Development Instructional Design
Science and Technology Education
Oklahoma State Department of Education Teacher Certification
Windsor Hills Baptist High School Oklahoma City OK 1987-1991
Stacey Nimmo, Cherene Melendez, Scott Byrd, Eric Sinner, B Jennings, Angelique Stafford, Elizabeth Cronquist, Charlotte Whipple, Chris Listman, Kim Nagel, Andy Stevens