A teaching device especially suitable for use in teaching reading at the elementary school level. The device, in its preferred form, comprises a lesson sheet on one side of which words are arranged in a preselected pattern. A window card is provided and is adapted to be superimposed on the lesson sheet. One of the windows in the window card has indicia along each of its margins which can be correlated with words on the lesson sheet. When a correct correlation has been made, a correct answer reinforcement in the form of a symbol such as a star appears through another window in the window card. The back of the lesson sheet advantgeously has increments of information arranged thereon in a preselected pattern which correspond to the words appearing on the front of the lesson sheet. The same side of the lesson sheet also provides means for enabling a student to write each of the words appearing on the front of the lesson sheet. By correlating the indicia along the margins of the said one window in the window card with window orientation guide means on the back of the lesson sheet, the individual letters comprising the words on the front of the lesson sheet will appear in separate windows in the window card to give a correct answer reinforcement.
Kai and George Esbensen, Micro-Ed Software in...
Very old Micro-Ed/Thorwal... Esbensen web site: AtariMania's partia...
42m 42s
Lucky Fish
... Staring (in order of appearance): Mahmoud Yakima as Friend of Fish...
5m 29s
Beyond Ottawa II - Rachmaninoff's Vocalise fe...
Listen to Sergei Rachmaninoff's Vocalise played on the theremin, an im...
10m 32s
Bound - | Pinhas & Sons
#2 - 2018 ---- : Kai Esbensen : - - - ...
4m 9s
Sesriem Oshana Camp Into Sossusvlei and Dune ...
In this Exciting Educative and Explorative Episode we continue with ou...