Biosci Advisors
User Experience Product Development Consultant, Hci
Deloitte 2008 - 2011
Lead Software Engineer, Manager 1999 - 2008
Senior Software Developer, Creative Team
Krambo 1997 - 1998
School of the Museum of Fine Arts - Boston 2004 - 2006
Trinity College - Hartford 1992 - 1996
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Mathematics
Ucl 1995 - 1995
Stanford University
Html 5 Css Interaction Design Javascript Adobe Creative Suite Web Development Jquery Actionscript User Interface Design Eclipse Web Applications Flash Video Java Animation Design Thinking Illustrator Xml Human Computer Interaction Hci Data Visualization Wire Framing Bootstrap Prototyping Css3 Responsive Design Html Mac Os X E Commerce Flash Animation Photoshop Git Visual Arts Video Indesign Php Codeigniter Sql
Tara Manuel (1992-1996), Byron Welch (1987-1991), Keith Willis (1969-1973), Henry Spires (1983-1987), Michael Smith (1985-1989), Paula Hebert (1977-1981)
Heart to Heart with Little Premier Furey...Ep...
A chat with Little Premier Furey about the giant wind energy project p...
9m 59s
Trailer for: The Lady of the Falls by Tara Ma...
"The Lady of the Falls" is a puppetry play about friendship, memory, a...
Heart to Heart with Little Premier Furey...Ep...
A chat with Little Premier about the World Energy GH2 Project proposed...
9m 44s
Muskrat Dreams: A Love Story
A workshop production of an original story/puppet theatre piece about ...
51m 21s
Muskrat Dreams NTV
A short clip about Muskrat Dreams: A Love Story - playing at the LSPU ...
2m 22s
Florence and Tara Manuel Debut
Shadowy Souls debuts our new puppet, Florence. From BIMA's "A Taste of...