from Seffner, FL
Mulga Parrot Adult Pairs of Syed Ovais Bilgrami 0092-321-2566273 syedo...
White Crested Kalij, Yellow Golden, Swin hoe, Siamese fireback and Ree...
cream barred and mealy barred German Beauty pigeon of Syed Ovais Bilgr...
Young Cuban Amazon Parrots born 2009 of Syed Ovais Bilgrami 0092-321-2...
Adult Breeding Pair and Young Lutino Personata Love Birds of Syed Ovai...
babies of african grey parrots, lutino and creamino ring necked parake...
Different colours of jacobin pigeons of Syed Ovais Bilgrami 0092-321-2...
Adult Breeding Pairs Blue n Gold Macaws, Red Tailed Black Cockatoos an...