Suzanne Taffe's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Suzanne Taffe keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, ...
American Reacts to Australian Christmas Comme...
Special thanks to my Patreons: Simon Cl, Daryl, Sharon, Gareth of Beve...
58m 43s
Suzanne Grieger-Langer, Wirtschafts Profiler,...
Externe Keynote beim DSAG-Jahreskongr... am 16. Oktober 2014 in Leipz...
1h 46s
American Reacts to An Idiot Abroad (#3)
Special thanks to my Patreons: James B, Simon, Duncan, Daryl, Joe, Sha...
45m 50s
American Reacts to The Inbetweeners (#5)
Special thanks to my Patreons: James B, Simon, Duncan, Kayleigh, Daryl...