Susan Walburn's Page on 29-Day Giving Challenge ... Why I'm choosing to give: I am choosing to give because when I look around my house at the things I have, much of it goes unused.
Susan Walburn 1989 graduate of Las Plumas High School in Oroville, CA is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Susan and other high school ...
Susan White 1982 graduate of Monte Vista High School in Spring valley, CA is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Susan and other high ...
Howard Stearns, Ann Molloy, Kathy Bremer, John Walburn, Mary Joseph, Phil Sexton, Harbor Stanton, Loren Rogers, Joe Brown, Jim Wright, Loyeen Nicholson
Susan Walburn (1957-1961), Jim Shoemaker (1986-1990), Amy Eubanks (1973-1977), Marv Colson (1951-1955), Andrea Harsch (1983-1987), Cheryl Garrison (1971-1975)