
Sherry G Redmond

age ~64

from Dallas, TX

Also known as:
  • Sherry Glennett Redmond
  • Sherry Redman
  • Sherry Rudmond
  • Redmond Sherry
Phone and address:
4440 Woodhollow Dr, Dallas, TX 75237
214 467-3561

Sherry Redmond Phones & Addresses

  • 4440 Woodhollow Dr, Dallas, TX 75237 • 214 467-3561 • 972 467-3561
  • 5521 Bishop College Dr, Dallas, TX 75241
  • 2316 Michigan Ave, Dallas, TX 75216
  • Red Oak, TX
  • 4440 Woodhollow Dr, Dallas, TX 75237 • 214 498-0949


  • Company:
    Nortel networks
    Oct 2000
  • Position:
    Systems engineer


  • School / High School:
    * Marconi Product training * Nortel Product Training * GTE network product training * CISCO router configuration class 1998 * GTE SMDS, MMDS, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, SS7 signaling system * AIN system * DID/DOD C.O Trunks * Seminars on CISCO, Ascend communications, Wellfleet communications Inc, 3COM * Pac Bell, Internet providers * ATM switching system * ATM Training with WilTel * Frame Relay Training with WILTEL * SNA and IBM Internetworking Strategies * Interop tutorial for Frame Relay/Router and Bridges * Interop tutorial for LAN system engineering * Interop tutorial for LAN to WAN engineering * UCLA - Fiber Optic * FMC - Effective communications, Effective Financial Management, Effective Writing, Improving Management Skills * George Washington University Satellite Communications, System Planning Design/Operation, Packet Switching Networks * Technology Transfer Institute IBM Token Ring Network, IBM SNA * ICA Intermediate Data Communication Conference * American Management Association Project Management Course * Padgett Thompson Managing People * UCLA - Telecommunications and Communication Engineering Program * FMC MIR MPG * NEC Digital Central Office Systems, Office Data Course, Subscriber Data Course for the Digital Central Office Switching Systems * IBM SNA Architecture
  • Specialities:
    EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois in Telecom


* Marconi Product training * Nortel Pr... • MMDS • Frame Relay • ATM • ISDN • SS7 signaling system * AIN system * ... • Ascend communications • Wellfleet communications Inc • 3COM * Pac Bell • Internet providers * ATM switching sys... • Effective Financial Management • Effective Writing • Improving Management Skills * George W... • System Planning Design/Operation • Packet Switching Networks * Technology T... • IBM SNA * ICA Intermediate Data Communi... • Office Data Course • Subscriber Data Course for the Dig...


Once Removed: Voices From Inside the Adoption Triangle

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Here are the moving stories, taken from actual case histories, of adoptees who have tried to uncover a hidden past, of birth parents discovered by sons or daughters they had given up for adoption years before, and of adoptive parents who must cope with feelings of rejection, jealousy and bewilderment

Wendie Redmond, Sherry Sleightholm



McGraw-Hill Reyerson


EAN Code



Sherry Redmond Photo 1

Sherry Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 2

Sherry Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 3

Sherry Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 4

Sherry Redmond Sherman Oaks, CA

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Nortel Networks

Oct 2000 to 2008
Systems Engineer
Marconi Communications
Los Angeles, CA
Feb 2000 to Sep 2000
Sale Systems Engineer
Public Communication Services

Sep 1999 to Dec 1999
Consulting project Manager
Norwalk, CA
1994 to Aug 1999
Staff Sales Engineer
Los Angeles, CA
1992 to 1994
Sr sales Engineer western regain
FMC Data Center
Dallas, TX
Apr 1983 to Dec 1992
Program Manager Engineering Data Center FMC Private Network
* Marconi Product training * Nortel Product Training * GTE network product training * CISCO router configuration class 1998 * GTE SMDS, MMDS, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, SS7 signaling system * AIN system * DID/DOD C.O Trunks * Seminars on CISCO, Ascend communications, Wellfleet communications Inc, 3COM * Pac Bell, Internet providers * ATM switching system * ATM Training with WilTel * Frame Relay Training with WILTEL * SNA and IBM Internetworking Strategies * Interop tutorial for Frame Relay/Router and Bridges * Interop tutorial for LAN system engineering * Interop tutorial for LAN to WAN engineering * UCLA - Fiber Optic * FMC - Effective communications, Effective Financial Management, Effective Writing, Improving Management Skills * George Washington University Satellite Communications, System Planning Design/Operation, Packet Switching Networks * Technology Transfer Institute IBM Token Ring Network, IBM SNA * ICA Intermediate Data Communication Conference * American Management Association Project Management Course * Padgett Thompson Managing People * UCLA - Telecommunications and Communication Engineering Program * FMC MIR MPG * NEC Digital Central Office Systems, Office Data Course, Subscriber Data Course for the Digital Central Office Switching Systems * IBM SNA Architecture
1979 to 2012
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois in Telecom
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
* Marconi Product training * Nortel Product Training * GTE network product training * CISCO router configuration class 1998 * GTE SMDS, MMDS, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, SS7 signaling system * AIN system * DID/DOD C.O Trunks * Seminars on CISCO, Ascend communications, Wellfleet communications Inc, 3COM * Pac Bell, Internet providers * ATM switching system * ATM Training with WilTel * Frame Relay Training with WILTEL * SNA and IBM Internetworking Strategies * Interop tutorial for Frame Relay/Router and Bridges * Interop tutorial for LAN system engineering * Interop tutorial for LAN to WAN engineering * UCLA - Fiber Optic * FMC - Effective communications, Effective Financial Management, Effective Writing, Improving Management Skills * George Washington University Satellite Communications, System Planning Design/Operation, Packet Switching Networks * Technology Transfer Institute IBM Token Ring Network, IBM SNA * ICA Intermediate Data Communication Conference * American Management Association Project Management Course * Padgett Thompson Managing People * UCLA - Telecommunications and Communication Engineering Program * FMC MIR MPG * NEC Digital Central Office Systems, Office Data Course, Subscriber Data Course for the Digital Central Office Switching Systems * IBM SNA Architecture


Sherry Redmond Photo 5

Sherry Moore Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 6

Sherry Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 7

Sherry Ehrenberg Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 8

Sherry Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 9

Sherry Redmond

Kodiak High School
Bragging Rights:
30 Years of marriage 2 Beautiful daughters and 3 beautiful GRANDDAUGHTERS
Sherry Redmond Photo 10

Sherry Redmond


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Sherry Redmond

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Sherry Redmond Photo 12

Sherry Redmond

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DALTON, Georgia


Pizza delivery gone wrong: The murder of Sher...

missing #solved 18-year-old pizza delivery driver Sherry Eyerly was la...

  • Duration:
    10m 55s

Redmond Toaster Review #amazonfinds

#valentinesgifts #toasterideas #productreviews #toaster #Remond2slicet...

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    14m 20s

Miss chloe is in love!

Chloe the pocket pit bull getting ear rub from her favor person.

  • Duration:

Publishers Clearing House Winners: Shirley Re...

Talk about excited! Watch Shirley Redmond HAPPILY accept her big check...

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    1m 25s

Sherry Wedding Video - Private Residence, Rav...

Sherry Wedding on 6/8/19 in Ravensdale, Wa Music licensed from - Song ...

  • Duration:
    9m 7s

Sixty 01 Unit 682 Virtual Open House

13835 NE 69th St #682 | Redmond WA 98052 | NWMLS #1578675 #StayHome an...

  • Duration:
    5m 22s


Sherry Redmond Photo 13

Sherry Redmond (Ehrenberg)

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Cape May City Elementary School Cape May NJ 1966-1969, Kodiak Middle School Kodiak AK 1972-1973
Suzanne Fletcher, Roy Gott, Barbara Acey
Sherry Redmond Photo 14

Sherry Volo (Redmond)

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Westmoreland High School Westmoreland NY 1968-1972
Wm Crane
Sherry Redmond Photo 15

Sherry Samuel (Redmond)

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Schafer High School Southgate MI 1975-1979
Nick Oddo, Jim Walsh
Sherry Redmond Photo 16

Sherry Redmond (Skibinski)

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Centralia High School Centralia IL 1962-1966
Anthony Allen, Lisa Myers
Sherry Redmond Photo 17

Sherry Redmond (France)

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Fannett-Metal High School Willow Hill PA 1980-1984
Catherine Fiumenero, Erma Thomas
Sherry Redmond Photo 18

Sherry Redmond

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Sonoma Valley High School Sonoma CA 1981-1985
Joyce Wong
Sherry Redmond Photo 19

Westmoreland High School,...

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Sherry Redmond (1968-1972),
Les Les Martin (1984-1988),
Sam G (1997-2001),
Sharon Robson (1965-1969)
Sherry Redmond Photo 20

Sherry Redmond | Class of...

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