13899 BiscayneE Blvd, Suite 153, North Miami Beach, FL 33186 305 341-3420
Sharon Evans
Pool Boy Plastering, Inc. Swimming Pool Contractors. Dealers. Design. Spas & Hot Tubs - Service & Repair. Spas & Hot Tubs - Dealers. Swimming Pool Service & Repair
moments before the fire was noticed on the first floor; a group of people wearing dark clothing were seen leaving the scene. One star witness, Sharon Evans, testified that she heard a group of men at a taco truck near the warehouse that night boast about the fire, happy that people wouldnt be escaping.
Date: Sep 05, 2019
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Ghost Ship trial: Max Harris acquitted; jury hangs on convicting Derick Almena
the fire was noticed on the first floor, and that a group of people wearing dark clothing were seen leaving the scene. One star witness, Sharon Evans, testified that she heard a group of men at a taco truck near the warehouse that night boast about the fire, happy that people wouldnt be escaping.
On Friday at 10.30am, about 30 people many of whom represent victims of horrific sex abuse crimes met with lawyers and staff from Mrs Woolfs team, including Ben Emmerson QC, counsel to the inquiry, and two members of the panel, Barbara Hearn and Sharon Evans.
Date: Oct 31, 2014
Category: World
Source: Google
Oprah Winfrey's Finale Episode: “Until We Meet Again”
Sharon Evans, another audience member said, She was very subdued today and I appreciated that she was taking that last hour not to showcase any celebrities or favorite things. It was truly what she said, a love letter to us.
Date: May 25, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Sharon Evans
The University of Texas at Austin - Director
Trinity University - Educational Supervision, The University of Texas at Austin - Curriculum and Instruction