University of Phoenix - MBA, Emporia State University - BSB: Marketing
As a Management Consultant, I help focus everyone within an organization on one common goal, from the top down. As any business evolves, the relationship between employees and their managers become a driving force behind the success of that organization, no matter how small or large. As a manager, it is a rare opportunity to see yourself in a special kind of mirror; this mirror reflects not only how you see yourself, but also how you, are seen by others. We provide a unique and inclusive overview of your effectiveness, as viewed by a select groups of individuals or "circle of observers" who have had the opportunity to observe you, the manager, in the work setting. I know that if I can align your workforce with your business strategy, I can help increase both employee and organizational performance.
Shane Allen
University of Phoenix - Adjunct Faculty (2009) State of Indiana - Family Case Manager (2006)
Indiana State University - Criminology & Criminal Justice
Shane Allen
Shane Allen
Im just a man trying to do better for himself and his family. i love my family and hate my past. i go to k-state and am studying mechanical engineering technology.
Shane Allen
I'm Shane. I like stuff.
Bragging Rights:
Survived High School, Guitar Hero 3 Tournament Champion.
Shane Allen
Shane Allen
Shane Allen
I am committed to the growth and success of small and large businesses. I work with business leaders: President, CEO – Managers to define and accomplish an end result with every consulting project. My...
The Lawrence Journal-World reports that court documents allege 30-year-old Shane Allen picked up the woman at her Lawrence, Kansas, sorority house last month after meeting her on the app. An affidavit said Allen brought her back to the sorority after he held her for six days and beat her.
Date: May 13, 2016
Category: World
Source: Google
Bacon, Sausage Sales Plummet After WHO Cancer Report
Considering we ship out about 30,000 pounds of food a day, we braced ourselves for an onslaught of calls from customers with questions and concerns. We received zero, recounted Shane Allen, spokesperson for a national weight loss and healthy food delivery company situated near Dallas.
Date: Nov 23, 2015
Category: Health
Source: Google
Texas Rangers Opening Day traffic and schedule information
ith the gates opening at 10 a.m., News 8 traffic reporter Shane Allen is anticipating congestion on I-30 westbound east of SH 360 and I-30 eastbound west of SH 360. Backups should be expected on SH 360 northbound south of I-30. This may clear and not add to the normal Arlington lunch rush hour at no
Shane Allen, the BBC's controller of comedy commissioning, added: "Richard Briers holds a very special place in British sitcom history, having starred in several monumentally successful and well-loved shows. He was an incredibly accomplished actor who enjoyed a long, varied and distinguished career
Date: Feb 18, 2013
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Tracking a North Woods Buck
As the end of the 2022 Rifle season in Maine comes to an end I put in ...
22m 46s
Shane Allen - 9 LIves DVD
Check out Shane Allen's part from the new Sector 9 video available 9 L...
4m 44s
Bay City man attacks mannequin in Las Vegas
Police video footage of Shane A. Schindler, of Bay City, attacking a m...
1m 41s
Charlie Hunt Vs Shane Allen | Amateur Boxing ...
Charlie Hunt [East Area Academy] Vs Shane Allen [Hard Nox Gym] ::.. Da...
5m 57s
Boys Smoking - Shane Allen
my always fave rave Shane Allen.
3m 2s
Shane Allen from arutneV
Shane Allen from arutneV all filmed Ventura County winter 2009/2010 Ba...