Decision Desk Hq
American University
Adjunct Professor
Legis 2015 - 2018
The Daily Walkthrough 2015 - 2018
Marco Rubio For President Apr 2015 - Mar 2016
Director of Data Science
U.s. Naval War College 2010
Masters, Master of Arts
American University 2006
Sonoma State University 2004
St. Margaret's Episcopal School 2002
American University
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Finance
Sonoma State University
Political Campaigns Politics Public Policy Legislative Relations Policy Analysis Strategic Communications Policy Grassroots Organizing Digital Strategy Project Planning Government Strategy Federal Government Leadership Public Speaking Political Consulting Legislation Analysis Public Affairs Nonprofits Campaigns International Relations Speech Writing Analytics Grassroots State Government Statistical Modeling Sql Microsoft Excel
This description herein relates to a computer, a user interface, and a method for providing a user interface for a computer, wherein the user interface is for building a search query. The user interface allows a user to build a search query with visual manipulations of cells. Accordingly, complex search query may be easily and quickly built and at the same time reduce the errors commonly associated with text string search queries.
Systems and methods for generating a voter profile is disclosed. The systems and methods include creating a client data having a client attribute and a sensitivity score, providing a database having a voter identification, a question, and an answer, then translating the answer into a voter score. The voter score is compared to client data to generate a voter profile. The voter profile is used to generate a targeted message specifically designed for the voter.
icus Communications Camden Stuebe of Free the Facts Joey Coon of the Niskanen Center (4-0) WaPos Colby Itkowitz E&E News Carlos Anchondo Amy Surber Charbel Antoun Koch Industries Steve Lombardo David Bolger of Executive Briefing Scott Tranter Facebooks Ryan Daniels ... CNBCs
Date: Jun 04, 2021
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Encryption Apps Help White House Staffers Leak—and Maybe Break the Law
At this point its still possible that politicos are legitimately using Confide for personal purposes. I know people who use [Confide], but I dont know anyone whos using it who shouldnt be using it, says Scott Tranter, a founder of the political data consultancy Optimus. The people who I know
Date: Feb 15, 2017
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Early voting: More good signs for Clinton in key states
If current early vote trends hold, its a real possibility that Clinton can sweep a majority of swing states including Florida, said Scott Tranter, co-founder of the Republican data analytics firm Optimus.
There will be thousands of events between now and Iowa that just dont produce a lot of rain, said Scott Tranter, co-founder of Washington-based 0ptimus, a data and technology firm working for Rubio. [Launch days] are automatic rainmakers and youve got to catch what you can.
Date: Apr 06, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
SEE IT: GOP consultant says voter ID, long lines help 'our side'
theres the issue of voter ID laws. Is making the push for more voter ID laws and more restrictive early voting policies an alternative to expanding the Republican voter base? Republican campaign consultant Scott Tranter weighed in on the topic at a panel discussion put on by Pew Center by the States. W