Politics • Qualitative Research • Research • Human Rights • Social Media • Foreign Policy • Policy • Publications • Grant Writing • Analysis • Online Journalism • Community Outreach • Publishing • Media Analysis • Grants • Teaching
Washington University In St. Louis Jan 2010 - May 2012
Open Society Foundation Jun 2011 - Apr 2012
Al Jazeera Media Network Jun 2011 - Apr 2012
Various Publications Jun 2011 - Apr 2012
Freelance Contributor
Freedom House Jun 2011 - Apr 2012
Washington University In St. Louis 2006 - 2012
Doctorates, Doctor of Philosophy, Anthropology
Indiana University Bloomington 2004 - 2006
Masters, Master of Arts
Sarah Lawrence College 1996 - 2000
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Arts In Business Administration
Politics Qualitative Research Research Human Rights Social Media Foreign Policy Policy Publications Grant Writing Analysis Online Journalism Community Outreach Publishing Media Analysis Grants Teaching
English Uzbek Russian
Schools Near Ferguson Shooting Brace for Emotional First Day
events playing out in Ferguson. I want her to know black history and the social, economic and political conditions of St. Louis, Sarah Kendzior, a white freelance writer in University City, wrote in an email about her daughter, who started second grade this month. But, Kendzior added: Shes 7. Her cla
Date: Aug 25, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Google Is Even More White and Male Than You Thought — and So Is Everyone ...
"It is good that Google admits they have a problem and discusses it publicly, but they have, and have always had, the capacity to improve their hiring practices," Sarah Kendzior, a writer who studies politics and media, told VICE News. "Its not like workplace diversity is a new issue, or discrimina
Date: May 30, 2014
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
GOP Thanks Rosa Parks For 'Ending Racism,' Black Twitter Responds
e results are brilliant.Read some of the best below:1) GOP says Rosa Parks ended racism 2) @FeministaJones starts #RacismEndedWhen hashtag 3) Media ignores her + quotes white ppl using hashtag Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) December 1, 2013#RacismEndedWhen Arnold and Willis were adopted by Mr. Dru
Longs post went viral, but soon one observer, Sarah Kendzior, took the time to read Longs entire blog and found some not entirely sympathetic statements from the beleaguered mom, like I quit! Let the state take care of you and your compulsive inability to stop poking people. Kendzior also noted Now you have to go and see the backstory to Sarah Kendzior. She's not any expert on mental health or autism merely because she is an "academic"; her field is Central Asia and she specializes on Uzbekistan and the Internet. In fact, she is known for making aggressively contrarian positions and minimi
But there were critics as well, including an equally passionate, equally viral blog by writer Sarah Kendzior, who accused Long of invading "Michael's" privacy with "vindictive and cruel posts about her children in which she fantasizes about beating them, locking them up and giving them away." In man
Date: Dec 18, 2012
Source: Google
After the Newtown shooting, is it time to talk about mental health and crime?
Another viral blogpost by Sarah Kendzior, has taken issue with Long's piece, criticising her for capitalising on the Newtown tragedy. As several people have pointed out, at this stage we know too little about Lanza to speculate about his wellbeing, let alone motives.
the rest of Liza Longs Anarchist Soccer Mom blog, and you can as Slates Hanna Rosin and Sarah Kendzior have noted emerge with a picture of someone who, while shes a terrific writer, can evoke bizarre-sounding conspiracies (Did her ex-husband seriously incarcerate their 11-year-old? Who is t
Date: Dec 18, 2012
Source: Google
“Not Interested in a Mommy War”: After Newtown Shooting, Parents Debate ...
Among the responses was a critical item written by an anthropology PhD and writer, Sarah Kendzior, which questioned Ms. Longsoriginal post, speculating that it was an effort to draw sympathy and attention to her private struggles.