- San Francisco Bay Area since Mar 2011
Senior Software Engineer
Ice Nine Technologies, LLC - Portland, Oregon Area since Oct 2010
Founder - Greater New York City Area Jan 2009 - Mar 2011
Senior Java/iPhone Developer
Gawker Media - Greater New York City Area Apr 2006 - Jan 2009
Consultant/Senior Java Developer
Big Spaceship - Greater New York City Area May 2006 - Jun 2006
Java Development Consultant
Git Ruby Postgresql Apache Mysql Ruby on Rails Subversion Sql Html Javascript Mongodb Objective C Tomcat Agile Methodologies Web Development Software Development Amazon Web Services Python Php Hibernate Unix Java Web Applications Jsp Xml Json Ajax Ant Cvs Photoshop Agile Css Cascading Style Sheets Iphone Development Xcode Core Java Junit Regular Expressions Solr Lucene Sybase Aws Xslt Advanced Css Intellij Idea Orion Resin
Education Environment Science and Technology Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Human Rights Arts and Culture