Independent since May 2008
Civil Rights Advocate
Denver Police Department - City and County of Denver Oct 2007 - Nov 2011
NCIC Agent
Denver GLBT Commission May 2008 - May 2010
Columbia University in the City of New York 2012 - 2014
B.A., Political Science - American Politics / Political Theory
Arapahoe Community College 2010 - 2011
Associate of Arts
Bradford Graves & Verna Gillis Endowment Scholarship - 2013/14 Columbia University Awarded in recognition of exceptional academic achievement. Point Scholar - Class of 2013 Point Foundation Point Foundation empowers promising lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender, and queer students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – to make a significant impact on society. Point Scholars are the nation's best and brightest future leaders. They attend the most prestigious universities in the world and are involved in a variety of LGBTQ causes. Point Scholars have pledged to make the world a better and fairer place for all. Honor Society of the School of General Studies Columbia University The Honor Society of the School of General Studies was formed to celebrate exceptional GS undergraduates committed to intellectual discovery and academic excellence. The only group of its kind at the University, the Honor Society provides a unique opportunity for about 50 current students to interact with other members, faculty associates, and alumni at academic and cultural events during the year. Only juniors or seniors with a grade point average of 3.8 or above are eligible for membership. Fewer than five percent of GS students are inducted into the Honor Society by the Dean. Students may not apply for membership. Induction is held each spring, and members continue to be part of the Society after graduation. Dean's List - Spring 2012 to present Columbia University Undergraduates who complete the fall or spring terms with a 3.6 GPA or higher are named to the Dean's List. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Arapahoe Community College The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
Denver Police Department Denver, CO Oct 2007 to Nov 2011 National Crime Information Center AgentDenver Police Department Denver, CO May 2008 to May 2010 Commissioner & Administrative Committee Member
Columbia University New York, NY May 2014 B.A. in Political Science
One of Nicolosis former clients described his experience with this therapist who claimed to be able to make him straightafter California banned the practice in 2012. Ryan Kendall was sent to Nicolosi as a teenager after his parents learned he was gay.
Date: Mar 10, 2017
Category: Health
Source: Google
Matt Chatham, Former Patriots LB, on the upcoming Texans game
obviously it's obvious you know great effort by Scott I think the property is definitely we've always been sort of no affordable do our historical place though met I met W -- response gotten him may just -- they did I think that the pitcher Cory. You know take a look at it if we have Ryan Kendall again.
Date: Dec 06, 2012
Category: Sports
Source: Google
LGBT Groups Slam Dr. Oz's 'Ex-Gay' Therapy Episode
pisode about conversion therapy this week. Think Progress notes that Dr. David Drew Pinsky, best known as Dr. Drew, invited Ryan Kendall, a longtime advocate against "ex-gay" therapy and an "ex-gay" survivor, on his show, "Dr. Drew on Call" Wednesday, along with David Pickup, a NARTH spokesperson.
Date: Dec 01, 2012
Category: Health
Source: Google
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery'
Ryan Kendall, who went through this type of therapy when he was 13, told CNN it began after his mother read his diary and discovered he was gay. In the therapy, he was consistently told his sexuality was a choice and could "be fixed," he said.
Date: Oct 01, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Hollywood embraces Dustin Lance Black's Prop. 8 drama
The most moving moments for me were Chris Colfers portrayal of Ryan Kendall, a young man who underwent gay reparative therapy to satisfy his intolerant family, Lahtis turn as Kris Perry, a plaintiff who imagines a future where same-sex marriage is no longer an unthinkable possibility, and Sheen
Date: Mar 05, 2012
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Looking to Score #1: The Rebel by Kendall Rya...
Music Credit by Son Mach Song: Met you I never thought I'd see her aga...
7h 2m 32s
Taking His Shot by Kendall Ryan Audiobook Spo...
Music Credit by Son Mach Song: Battle Theme.
6h 34m
How Hard Does L39ION Train? | Kendall Ryans W...
What does it take to go toe-to-toe with the Lioness? Luckily, you can ...
21m 6s
Kendall Ryans S-Works Tarmac SL7 | Bike Of Th...
Multi-time National Champion Kendall Ryan wins with remarkable frequen...
University of Massachusetts Amherst - Psychology & Economics, Western Connecticut State University - Psychology, Alfred State College - Liberal Arts, Naugatuck Community College - Psychology