Concordia Nursing and Rehab Bella Vista, AR 2014 to 2015Tablerock Healthcare Kimberling City, MO 2011 to 2014Phoenix Home Care Springfield, MO 2011 to 2012Integrity Home Care Springfield, MO 2008 to 2011Wabash Wood Products Harrison, AR 2006 to 2008Tyson Berryville, AR 2004 to 2006
Ruth Spillman (1949-1953), Andy Porter (2004-2008), Barbara Alford (1955-1959), Diana Martin (1964-1968), Linda Schafer (1970-1974)
Ruth Spillman
Dear Friends, I recently decided to switch to using my Hebrew name (after all I live in Israel), and I have switched to my maiden surname. Hope you enjoy the change with me as we start the new year to the Hebrew year! Shana tova ve gemar chatima tova!
Myrtle Beach Carousel Bruder Band Organ
"You Can't Stop Me From Dreamin'" (Friend & Franklin, from Wurlitzer 1...
20 Feb, 2010
3m 6s
Grand Rapids public museuem Wurlitzer 157 2
I'm posting these 157 videos I took about a week ago (But I always pos...