
Ronald G Lundgren

age ~78

from Highlands Ranch, CO

Also known as:
  • Ronald Scott Lundgren
  • Ron G Lundgren
  • Ronald G Lundgre
  • Scott Lundgren
  • Rscott Lundgren
  • Ron Lungren
Phone and address:
9575 S Hackberry St, Littleton, CO 80129

Ronald Lundgren Phones & Addresses

  • 9575 S Hackberry St, Hghlnds Ranch, CO 80129
  • Highlands Ranch, CO
  • Portland, OR
  • Denver, CO
  • 68 Cole Springs Rd, Cedar Crest, NM 87008 • 505 281-1564
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Hillsboro, OR
  • Jefferson, CO

Us Patents

  • Method And Signal Processing Means For Detecting And Discriminating Between Structural Configurations And Geological Gradients Encountered By Kinetic Energy Subterranean Terra-Dynamic Crafts

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  • US Patent:
    7720608, May 18, 2010
  • Filed:
    Dec 10, 2007
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Ronald G. Lundgren - Cedar Crest NM, US
  • Assignee:
    Applied Research Associates, Inc. - Albuquerque NM
  • International Classification:
    G01V 9/00
  • US Classification:
    702 11
  • Abstract:
    The present invention is directed to signal processing means for detecting and discriminating between geological layers encountered by kinetic energy subterranean vehicles in flight (terra-craft), using a raw signal representing deceleration of the terra-craft. The signal processing means uses autocorrelation and filtering to amplify the rate of deceleration, allowing the same to be compared to extensive data compiled for the US government regarding rates of deceleration in known materials, using various craft geometry. In this way, the unknown material encountered by the terra-craft can be identified by comparing the deceleration of the craft through a layer of material to the known data for the craft geometry. The signal processing means may further include a plurality of circuits to detect and annunciate varying layers in a media, and to track in real time the location of the projectile.
  • Methods, Systems And Devices For Dissipating Kinetic Energy From Shock Waves With Electrical Loads

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  • US Patent:
    20120032526, Feb 9, 2012
  • Filed:
    Aug 4, 2010
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Ronald G. Lundgren - Littleton CO, US
  • Assignee:
  • International Classification:
    H03K 3/00
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    Methods, systems and devices for dissipating kinetic energy from a shock wave are provided herein. In one embodiment, a method for dissipating kinetic energy from a shock wave may include: applying a magnetic flux across a shock wave disposed within a channel, wherein the channel includes substantially constant dimensions as the shock wave propagates through the channel; transforming kinetic energy from the shock wave to electrical energy; applying a high potential electrode to the electrical energy; applying a low potential electrode to the electrical energy; and coupling an electrical load conductively with the high potential electrode and the low potential electrode to dissipate the kinetic energy from the shock wave.
  • Methods, Systems, Algorithms, Signal Processing Means And Devices For Detecting The Treacle Mass Slug Created By A Shock Wave And Determination Of The Dynamic Pressure, Density, Velocity And Conductivity By Alfén Wave Identification

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  • US Patent:
    20130262005, Oct 3, 2013
  • Filed:
    Jun 12, 2013
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Ronald G. Lundgren - Littleton CO, US
  • International Classification:
    G06F 17/11
  • US Classification:
    702 64
  • Abstract:
    Methods, systems, algorithms, signal processing means and devices for determining the dynamic variables of pressure, density, velocity and conductivity of a generated mass slug, known as the Treacle and formed in a shock discontinuity produced by explosive detonation, deflagration or nature, are provided herein. The parameter determination is based on the discovery of the existence of a Treacle formed in the reaction zone of a shock wave. This verbal noun describes the action of changing the kinetic energy (treadling) of a mass slug immersed and traveling through a magnetic field thereby generating a detectable Alfén wave, which is measured and with an algorithm yields the Treacle dynamic variables. The information is further used to devise methods and systems that utilize the information to create shock shields and high power devices or any other electrically powered transmission disposed within an electrical load.
  • Methods,Systems And Devices To Augur Imminent Catastrophic Events To Personnel And Assets And Sound Image A Radar Target Using A Radar's Received Doppler Audio Butterfly

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  • US Patent:
    20190146079, May 16, 2019
  • Filed:
    Dec 27, 2018
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Ronald Gene Lundgren - Highlands Ranch CO, US
  • International Classification:
    G01S 13/86
    F41H 11/00
    G01S 13/58
    G01H 3/08
  • Abstract:
    Methods, systems, and devices utilizing the audio bandwidth Lorenz “Butterfly” effect to augur catastrophic events to personnel and assets, discriminate friendly from rogue or enemy combatants and their origins using the Lorenz “Butterfly” and further extracting the audio tune from the “Butterfly” and utilizing the information to audio image the target. This imaging technique provides an ultra-low-cost solution to identifying threats and augur their consequences to friendly military forces, civilian police and security forces and further protect large civilian gatherings.
  • Methods, Systems And Devices To Shape A Pressure*Time Wave Applied To A Projectile To Modulate Its Acceleration And Velocity And Its Launcher/Gun's Recoil And Peak Pressure Utilizing Interior Ballistic Volume Control

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  • US Patent:
    20180135949, May 17, 2018
  • Filed:
    Aug 11, 2017
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Ronald Gene Lundgren - Littleton CO, US
    Kent Harvey - Los Lunas NM, US
    Kelly Dow - Socorro NM, US
  • International Classification:
    F42B 5/02
    F42B 5/16
    F42B 5/26
  • Abstract:
    Methods, systems, and devices to shape a pressure*time wave applied to sniper and dangerous game rifle projectiles whereby an ammunition shell casing's volume, at release of the projectile from the casing, and rifle system impedance (Z) in conjunction with the amount of propellant are modulated to beneficially shape the wave applied to the projectile's base, and by Newton's 2law the projectile's applied acceleration*time impulse wave, to reliably reduce the velocity of a sniper or dangerous game rifle's ammunition to a sub-Mach 1 level, preserve the projectile momentum, maintain the rifle's automatic shell casing ejection and new shell casing/projectile re-load action and maintain a projectile and rifle operation within their material's strength limits. These tools are further applied to simulate severe g acceleration environments for commercial and military weapon sub-system component's non-destructive testing and certification that are carried in a projectile and applicable to any existing propellant launcher/gun system.
  • Methods, Algorithms And Signal Processing Means Utilizing The Harbinger Wave To Forecast And Signal An Imminent Shock Wave And Determination Of Its Velocities, Pressures, Density And Epicenter

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  • US Patent:
    20150369654, Dec 24, 2015
  • Filed:
    Sep 6, 2015
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Ronald Gene Lundgren - Littleton CO, US
  • International Classification:
    G01H 11/06
  • Abstract:
    Methods, algorithm and signal processing means utilizing the Harbinger (H) wave to forecast an imminent shock wave and in conjunction with the trailing Main (M) shock wave determination of the H wave velocity and M shock wave velocities, overpressure, dynamic pressure, and density and further the M shock wave epicenter location co-ordinates and beneficial applications are provided herein. These parameter determinations are based on the discovery of the existence of a Harbinger wave launched upon formation of the M shock wave which annunciates the incoming M shock wave before its arrival. These variables are further used to devise methods and systems that utilize the information to deploy just in time personnel and/or equipment protection, determine the wave epicenter for the purpose of identifying enemy combatants and rogue terrorist positions, alert response teams to a deleterious event and its magnitude, signal in real time the location of these deleterious events and determine if a munition, friendly or enemy, has functioned.


Ronald Lundgren Photo 1

Ronald Lundgren

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Ronald Lundgren Photo 2

Ronald Lundgren

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Ronald Lundgren Photo 3

Ronald Lundgren

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Ronald Lundgren Photo 4

Student At Chemeketa Community College

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Ronald Lundgren Photo 5

MySpace R Lundgren 59 ...

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MySpace profile for Ron Lundgren with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests , information about me and more.


Ronald Lundgren Photo 6

Ronald Lundgren

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Our Lady of the Cenacle School Richmond Hill NY 1955-1959
Bernadette Nevins, Stephen Melville, Bill Carr, Barbara Talbot
Ronald Lundgren Photo 7

Ron Lundgren, Chicago, IL

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Ron Lundgren 2008 graduate of Mt. Carmel High School in Chicago, IL
Ronald Lundgren Photo 8

Daniel Webster Elementary...

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Rodolfo Zavala (1987-1995),
Laura Velasco (1963-1967),
Erika Rounds (1977-1980),
Ronald Lundgren (1949-1955),
Brenda Mayfield (1991-1995)
Ronald Lundgren Photo 9

Our Lady of the Cenacle S...

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Biagio Rosano (1979-1983),
Ronald Ulrich (1967-1971),
Michael Romano (1969-1973),
Ronald Lundgren (1955-1959)
Ronald Lundgren Photo 10

John Marshall Junior High...

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Ronald Lundgren (1955-1959),
George Kooshian (1952-1956),
Sharon Lesher (1954-1958),
Don Vineyard (1961-1963),
Deborah Heimlich (1966-1969)
Ronald Lundgren Photo 11

Maur Hill Preparatory, At...

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Ronald Lundgren (1961-1964),
David Jackson (1976-1979),
Adam Coots (1993-1997),
Juancristobal Flores (1975-1976),
Frank Housholder (1973-1974)
Ronald Lundgren Photo 12

Lancaster High School, La...

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Ronald Lundgren (1962-1966),
Cameron Butler (2002-2004),
Tricia Hilton (1995-1999),
Anthony Marquez (2000-2004),
James Flanders Jr (1971-1975)
Ronald Lundgren Photo 13

St. Clement School, Chica...

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Ron Lundgren (2000-2004),
Patricia Judson (1943-1950),
Roxanne Myers (1961-1966),
Patricia Howell (1946-1955),
Patricia McDonough (1951-1955)


RLDS Jeffery Lundgren

Biblical Archaeology & Christianity.

  • Duration:
    33m 20s

November 25, 2022

  • Duration:

Dolph Lundgren's Lifestyle 2022

Dolph Lundgren was born as Hans Lundgren in Stockholm, Sweden, on Nove...

  • Duration:
    8m 4s

Hammers Gym 24/7 - Dolph Lundgren seminar

  • Duration:
    2m 16s

Bodies found in Kirtland WEWS 1990

January, 1990 as bodies are found in a barn in Kirtland, Ohio. WEWS co...

  • Duration:
    7m 17s

Dolph Lundgren and Pentathlon Athletes have T...

This unedited behind-the-scene... footage, taped by Dallas-based dire...

  • Duration:
    1m 26s


Ronald Lundgren Photo 14

Ronald Lundgren

Get Report for Ronald G Lundgren from Highlands Ranch, CO, age ~78
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