Webb Structural Services
Manager, Operations and Finance
Newcomers and Neighbors of Reading 2004 - 2007
Ibm 1999 - 2003
Storage Sales Representative
Northeastern University 1997 - 1999
Women In Engineering Programs Assistant
Smma 1994 - 1997
Structural Engineer
Northeastern University 1997 - 1999
Master of Science In Information Systems, Masters
Northeastern University 1987 - 1993
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science In Civil Engineering
At the hearing Thursday, two children testified: Leslie Green, Greens daughter, and Brandon Webb, son of Rochelle Webb, who until her dismissal last Friday was the interim director of the Department of Employment Services.During her testimony, Rochelle Webb said she was hired after answering a national job advertisement. She previously made $90,000 annually, requested $150,000 and received $165,000 in her city job. Webb was fired after she declined to resign in the wake of media reports about her son; her $5,000 temp
* DOES Needs Women -- er, men, according to Marion Barry. During a hearing on the nomination of Rochelle Webb to head the D.C. Department of Employment Services, the Ward 8 councilmember went off on Webb over the fact that her executive committee is all female.