
Rene B Reboh


from Palo Alto, CA

Also known as:
  • Kerstin B Reboh
  • Kerstin Birgitta Reboh
  • Rene K Reboh
Phone and address:
2570 Marshall Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94303
650 324-0508

Rene Reboh Phones & Addresses

  • 2570 Marshall Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94303 • 650 324-0508
  • Davis, CA
  • 427 Burk St, Oakland, CA 94610
  • Menlo Park, CA
  • 809 Mary St, Austin, TX 78704


expertise requests, business deals, refe...


Computer Software
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Rene Reboh
2570 Marshall Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Us Patents

  • Data-Driven, Functional Expert System Shell

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  • US Patent:
    48666343, Sep 12, 1989
  • Filed:
    Aug 10, 1987
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Rene Reboh - Palo Alto CA
    Tore J. M. Risch - Menlo Park CA
  • Assignee:
    Syntelligence - Sunnyvale CA
  • International Classification:
    G06F 1518
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    An expert system shell efficiently computes functions of variables in response to numeric or symbolic data values input by a user. The system comprises a Knowledge Base in the form of a network of functions, an Inference Engine for efficiently updating values in the knowledge base in response to changes in entered data, and a Forms System that manages interaction with the user. A knowledge engineer creates the network of functions, and defines the user screens and the connection between screen objects and variables in the function network. The system allows many different types of variables, including numeric and symbolic types. The system associates a probability distribution with every variable, and computes the probability distributions for the dependent variables from the probability distributions for the independent variables. A variable can store multiple values as tables of probability distributions keyed by one or more key variables. When a user action changes the probability distributions for any variable, the system automatically maintains the specified functional relationships among all the related variables.


Rene Reboh Photo 1

Owner At Syntelsoft Inc.

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San Francisco Bay Area
Computer Software
SyntelSoft Inc. (Computer Software industry): Owner,  (-) 

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