ExxonMobil Chenicals Baytown, TX Jan 1981 to Feb 2012 Manufacturing TechnicianUnited States Air Force Shemya Island, AK May 1979 to May 1980 Invetory managment specialistUnited States Air Force Alamogordo, NM Jun 1974 to Apr 1979 Inventory Management Specialist
H.M.King High School Kingsville, TX 1971 to 1974 High School Diploma
Have good knowledge of warehouse numbering system.
"I've Never Been This Homesick Before" by Bro...
"I've Never Been This Homesick Before" by Bro. Ramon & Bro. Alnie King...
4m 7s
Never Been this Homesick Before Mirelez
Eddie Mirelez sang this song as one of his signature solo's! Cindy, hi...
4m 12s
Philippe Pomaski vs Ramon Gomez / Madrid Open...
Black-Belt/Adult... - Final.
5m 50s
Free To Choose
Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS Free To Choose ER Fellowship EMERY JO...
3m 48s
Nietos De Ramon - Fuga En Mi Rancho (En Vivo ...
Aqui puedes descargar este tema: .
2m 56s
Exhibiting Latinidad: New Choreographies of t...
Dance Colloquium 4/19/16 Ramon Rivera-Servera, Northwestern University.