Expertise in Microsoft office tools like... • Word and Visual Basic • Adobe Acrobat and Crystal Reports • Demonstrated achiever with proficient kn... • basic knowledge of accounting and in dep... • Ability to learn new concepts quickly • good team player • good at taking directions and strong com...
Honors:, âÃÂâ Presidential Honor Scholarship: August 2006 âÃÂÃÂMay 2007., âÃÂâ Cross Cultural Scholarship: 2006 âÃÂàpresent academic year.
Research Analyst Intern at Winona State University
La Crosse, Wisconsin Area
Financial Services
Winona State University since Jan 2007
Research Analyst Intern
Winona State University 2006 - 2010
Finance option B, FinanceMajor: Quantitative Finance.
Courses taken: Financial Management, Calculus, Statistics, Economics, Accounting.
Expertise in Microsoft office tools like Excel Word and Visual Basic Adobe Acrobat and Crystal Reports Demonstrated achiever with proficient knowledge in Finance and related fields basic knowledge of accounting and in depth knowledge of Statistics Ability to learn new concepts quickly good team player good at taking directions and strong communication skills
Activities and Interests:
Cultural Outreach Program, WSU, August 2006- Present.
Perform cross-cultural presentations at various elementary and high schools in Minnesota.
Honor & Awards:
Honors:, âÃÂâ Presidential Honor Scholarship: August 2006 âÃÂÃÂMay 2007., âÃÂâ Cross Cultural Scholarship: 2006 âÃÂàpresent academic year.