Sep 2013 to 2000 Freelance Digital Marketing CoordinatorReger New York, NY Jul 2012 to Sep 2013 Office Manager and Interior Design AssistantRudolph Friedmann New York, NY Jul 2011 to Mar 2012 InternshipOpera Company of Brooklyn New York, NY Sep 2010 to Feb 2011 Marketing Internship
New York University New York, NY 2008 to 2012 Bachelors in Music with concentration in Classical Voice
New York University - Social Thought, University of California, Berkeley - Rhetoric
Rachel Stuart
New York University, Marjory stoneman douglas high school
Rachel Stuart (Cdr)
Rachel Stuart
La Machine.
Rachel Stuart
Life rookie
Rachel Stuart
It's official -- I love wedding planning. And since by trade I am a communicator, writer, and public relations pro, a blog seemed the naturally-fitting way to keep all of our friends and family i...
Caterpillar Communicator, bride-to-be, daughter, sister, best friend. I wear many hats.
Account Manager for NetEffects' National Accounts division. We specialize in placing candidates for companies that have locations all over the United States.