Brown University 2008 - 2013
Doctorates, Doctor of Philosophy, Physics, Philosophy
Brown University 2006 - 2008
Master of Science, Masters, Physics
University of Science and Technology of China 2002 - 2006
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Physics
Scanning Electron Microscopy Scientific Computing Thin Films Nanotechnology Fortran Visual C++ Numerical Analysis C++ Latex Simulations Physics
Brown University Providence, RI Jan 2008 to Dec 2013 Graduate Research AssistantBrown University
Sep 2006 to Dec 2007 Teaching Assistant
Brown University Providence, RI 2008 to 2013 Ph.D in PhysicsBrown University Providence, RI 2006 to 2008 M.Sc in PhysicsUniversity of Science and Technology of China Hefei, China 2002 to 2006 B.S in Physics
Photolithography, E-beam Lithography, Electron Microscopy(SEM, TEM), FIB Machine, AFM Machine, Sputtering Machine, PECVD Machine, ICP Etcher, Ellipsometer, Dektak Profilometer, E-beam Evaporator, Spectroscopy,Matlab, Mathematica, Fortran, Visual C/C++, LabView, Origin, Microsoft Office,Mandarin as a native language