Electronic Interconnect since Jan 1995
Electronic Interconnect Jan 1995 - Dec 2004
Vice President
BW/IP International Jan 1993 - Dec 1995
Project Engineer
Purdue University - Krannert School of Management 2005 - 2007
MBA, Business
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo 1988 - 1993
BS, Mechanical Engineering
PCB design Manufacturing Electronics Product Development Engineering Management Lean Manufacturing Project Management Leadership Management Failure Analysis Design for Manufacturing
Honor & Awards:
Pollution Prevention Award from State of Illinois, ITAR register, ISO 9002 register, Minority Business Owener Register, IPC member, GSA member
To accomplish this, a team of undergraduate student researchers pursued an interdisciplinary approach led by professors Javin Oza, Katharine Watts and Pratish Patel. As published in the journal ACS Synthetic Biology, researchers selected 10 preservatives with four distinct mechanisms of action and s