- Newton MA, US Peter Botticelli - Newton MA, US Donald Drumm - Newton MA, US Darren Landino - Newton MA, US Brian Zenowich - West Newton MA, US William Townsend - Weston MA, US
International Classification:
H02K 11/33 H02K 16/00 H02K 5/22 H02K 11/00
Apparatus for connecting a motor controller to an electrical motor, said apparatus comprising:
Method And Apparatus For Connecting An Ultracompact, High-Performance Motor Controller To An Ultracompact, High-Performance Brushless Dc Motor
- Newton MA, US David Wilkinson - Dedham MA, US Peter Botticelli - Newton MA, US Donald Drumm - Newton MA, US Darren Landino - Newton MA, US William Townsend - Weston MA, US
International Classification:
H02K 11/00
Apparatus for connecting a motor controller to an electrical motor, said apparatus comprising:
Syntouch, Inc.
Director of Customer Solutions
Unifirst Corporation Feb 2015 - Jan 2016
Control System Engineer
Barrett Technology, Inc. Mar 2010 - Feb 2015
Robotics Engineer
Acme Packet Jan 2010 - Feb 2010
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Robotics Automation Manufacturing Engineering Matlab C++ Pcb Design Design For Manufacturing Electronics Arduino Manufacturing Engineering Mechanical Engineering Product Development Linux Sensors Mobile Robotics Labview Solidworks Control Systems Design Design For Assembly Soldering Microchip Pic Machine Design Technical Support