
Paul L Grogg

age ~36

from Phenix City, AL

Paul Grogg Phones & Addresses

  • 660 Lee Road 208, Phenix City, AL 36870 • 334 291-9208


  • Company:
    Feb 2010
  • Position:
    Produce associate


  • School / High School:
    Chattahoochee Valley Community College- Phenix City, AL
  • Specialities:
    Certificate in License Practical Nursing


Skills performed in Clinical and Simulat... • hair • and nails 8. Assessing the head and neck... • musculoskeletal • and peripheral vascular system 13. Fall ... • coughing • and splinting 30. Leg exercises 31. Givi... • sterile dressing 38. Applying a saline m... • t-tube drain • jackson-pratt drain • and hemovac drain 42. Removing sutures a... • urinal • and bedside commode 56. Catherizing the ... • midstream) for urinalysis and culture 83...


Paul Grogg Photo 1

Paul Grogg Phenix City, AL

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Feb 2010 to 2000
Produce Associate
Chattahoochee Valley Community College
Phenix City, AL
Certificate in License Practical Nursing
Skills performed in Clinical and Simulation Lab 1. Assessing body temperature 2. Assessing peripheral pulse by palpation 3. Assessing apical pulse by auscultation 4. Assessing respiration 5. Assessing brachial artery blood pressure 6. Performing a general survey 7. Assessing the skin, hair, and nails 8. Assessing the head and neck 9. Assessing the thorax and lungs 10. Assessing the cardiovascular system 11. Assessing the abdomen 12. Assessing the neurologic, musculoskeletal, and peripheral vascular system 13. Fall prevention 14. Implementing alternatives to the use of restraints 15. Applying an extremity restraint 16. Performing hand hygiene using soap and water 17. Performing hand hygiene using an alcohol-based hand rub 18. Preparing a sterile field using a packaged sterile drape 19. Preparing a sterile field using a commercially prepared sterile kit of tray 20. Adding a sterile item to a sterile field 21. Putting on sterile gloves and removing soiled gloves 22. Using personal protective equipment 23. Administering oral medications 24. Administering medications via a gastric tube 25. Removing medication from an ampule and a vial 26. Administering a subcutaneous injection 27. Administering an intramuscular injection 28. Applying a transdermal patch 29. Deep breathing exercises, coughing, and splinting 30. Leg exercises 31. Giving a bed bath 32. Assisting a patient with oral care 33. Providing oral care for the dependent patient 34. Providing denture care 35. Shampooing a patient's hair in bed 36. Making an occupied and unoccupied bed 37. Cleaning a wound and applying a dry, sterile dressing 38. Applying a saline moistened dressing 39. Performing irrigation of a wound 40. Collecting a wound culture 41. Caring for a penrose drain, t-tube drain, jackson-pratt drain, and hemovac drain 42. Removing sutures and surgical staples 43. Assisting a patient with turning in bed 44. Moving a patient up in bed with the assistance of another nurse 45. Transferring a patient from the bed to a stretcher 46. Transferring a patient from the bed to chair 47. Providing range of motion exercises 48. Assisting a patient with ambulation 49. Assisting a patient with ambulation using assisted devices 50. Applying and removing anitembolism stockings 51. Promoting patient comfort 52. Assisting a patient with eating 53. Inserting and removing a nasogastric tube 54. Administering a tube feeding 55. Assisting with the use of a bedpan, urinal, and bedside commode 56. Catherizing the male and female bladder 57. Removing an indwelling catheter 58. Performing intermittent closed catheter irrigation 59. Emptying and changing a stoma appliance on an illeal conduit 60. Administering a large-volume cleansing enema 61. Administering a small-volume cleansing enema 62. Digital removal of stool 63. Changing and emptying an ostomy appliance 64. Using a pulse oximeter 65. Teaching a patient to use an incentive spirometer 66. Administering oxygen by nasal cannula 67. Suctioning the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal airways 68. Inserting an oropharyngeal airway 69. Suctioning the tracheostomy 70. Providing tracheostomy care 71. Providing care for a chest drainage system 72. Assistance with removal of a chest tube 73. Initiating a peripheral venous access IV infusion 74. Changing an IV solution container and administration set 75. Monitoring an IV site and infusion 76. Monitor a blood transfusion 77. Applying a cardiac monitor 78. Logrolling a patient 79. Collecting a stool specimen for culture 80. Obtaining a capillary blood sample for glucose testing 81. Collecting a sputum specimen for culture 82. Collecting a urine specimen (clean catch, midstream) for urinalysis and culture 83. Obtaining a urine specimen from an indwelling catheter 84. Using venipuncture the collect a venous blood sample for routine testing


Paul Grogg Photo 2

Smiths Station High Schoo...

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Paul Grogg (2003-2007),
Tim Robbins (1992-1996),
Kelsy Dillard (2004-2008),
Daniel Forsythe (1997-2001),
Lisa Brown (1978-1982),
Amanda Phillips (2000-2004)


Paul Grogg Photo 3

Paul Grogg

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Albert Michelle Morales


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  • Uploaded:
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