petitions instead of one. It might actually increase the workload on the agencies," said University of Vermont Law professor Patrick Parenteau, who was a special counsel to the Fish and Wildlife Service in the early 1990s, when it was considering ESA exemptions for the threatened northern spotted owl.
Date: May 19, 2015
Source: Google
Proposed EPA, Corps Rule Clarifies Federal Jurisdiction Over Waters, Wetlands
Patrick Parenteau, a Vermont Law School professor specializing in environmental issues, asked whether the EPA couldn't have done more in asserting jurisdiction over geographically isolated wetlands, such as prairie potholes in the Upper Midwest and Carolina Bays in the southeastern U.S. that play
There has been constitutional debate in the past over whether authority for border crossing permits rests with the executive branch or Congress, said Patrick Parenteau, an environmental law professor at Vermont Law School.
Date: Jan 11, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
Trial to start in Vt.'s bid to close nuclear plant
Overall, the state hasn't provided a clear reason for shutting the plant down, said Patrick Parenteau, a professor at the Vermont Law School and former state environmental commissioner. "That may be the state's chief vulnerability" in the case, he said. The judge is likely "looking for a real crisp
Date: Sep 11, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
Impact of Supreme Court's Greenhouse Gas Ruling Likely to Be Felt in Other Cases
On the other hand, Vermont Law School professor Patrick Parenteau points to a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opinion from 2010, in which the court ruled that North Carolina could not sue under state law to force the Tennessee Valley Authority to reduce its emissions.
Date: Jun 21, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
White House Joins AEP to Fight Climate Lawsuits With EPA 'Off its Duff'
In some respects, the case has already achieved itsobjective, said Patrick Parenteau, a professor who specializesin climate-change law at Vermont Law School. The whole pointof filing this case back in the Bush administration was to getEPA off its duff to regulate greenhouse gases from coal-fi
"The president could have used some political capital to influence this and he didn't," said Patrick Parenteau, a professor of environmental law from the Vermont Law School. "The message to the environmental community is, don't count on the administration to be there" for the protection of endangere
Joseph Hermas Leclerc Secondary School Granby Kuwait 1989-1993
Jean Labbe, Cynthia Picard, Valerie Tremblay, Guy Morin, Jonathan Lacroix, Nathalie Vaillancourt, Joad Blouin, Nancy Cajolet, Eric Bisson, Daniel Desmarais, Isabelle Belanger, Melanie Brodeur
College St. Bernard Drummondville Kuwait 1982-1986
Sylvain Moreau, Nancy Niquet, Nathalie Dostie, Machin Vachon, Nathalie Belanger, Ben Menace, Patrick Turcotte, Stephane Melancon, Hugo Serli, Marc Lambert