Ultraliner Mar 2009 - Mar 2012
Accounting Manager
Church on the Rise Jun 2002 - Mar 2009
Office Manager
Tyson Foods Aug 1978 - Jan 2006
Oxford Alabama Aug 1978 - Jan 2006
violating nonprofit guidelines. Already, public records show Gillespie has a state tax delinquency in Delaware for more than $55,000 an amount Gillespie's wife and TIGHAR co-founder, Pat Thrasher, says they're working to pay back after getting into debt to pay for a defense in the Mellon lawsuit.
Date: Jun 13, 2015
Category: Sci/Tech
Source: Google
Crews working to get more Colo. fire evacuees home
Some of the aircraft used to fight the Black Forest Fire in the early days have been moved to fight a nearly 700-acre wildfire near Rifle Falls State Park in western Colorado. That fire erupted Friday from a smoldering lightning strike the day before, spokesman Pat Thrasher said. The residents of 12
TIGHAR president Pat Thrasher said the Niku VII expedition crew will arrive in Honolulu at the end of this month, at which point Mr Gillespie, who was on the expedition, will be available to answer questions.
Date: Jul 25, 2012
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Amelia Earhart mystery: Expedition comes home with more questions
but we have volumes of sonar data and many hours of high-definition video to review before well know the results of this expedition definitively, it said. This is just sort of the way things are in this world, the groups president, Pat Thrasher, told the Associated Press. It's not like an Indiana
Pat Thrasher, president of TIGHAR, said the Niku VII expedition crew will arrive in Honolulu at the end of this month, at which point Gillespie, who was on the expedition, will be available to answer questions.
"This is just sort of the way things are in this world," TIGHAR president Pat Thrasher said. "It's not like an Indiana Jones flick where you go through a door and there it is. It's not like that it's never like that."