Please note: indicates project experience in lab environment, indicates simulation-based study. SEMICONDUCTOR THEORY AND DEVICE PHYSICS: MOSFET, BJT and HBT, BiCMOS, FinFET, LED and other diodes, lasers, band structure theory. DEVICE SIMULATIONS/SCRIPTING: MATLAB, tools: FETToy, MOSFET, PSPICE, C, JavaScript. Si PROCESSING: Thin film deposition (CVD, RF/DC sputtering), e-beam mask fabrication and lithography, electrochemical etching, MBE, other major FEOL and BEOL process steps. MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION: Electronic (CV, IV), optical (time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy, ellipsometry), spectroscopy (SIMS, AES), electron microscopy (TEM, EDX, SEM, STM), RBS, AFM. OPTICS: Light sources for Si-based optical interconnects (strain-engineered multilayer heterojunctions), epitaxial III-V emitters, p-i-n detectors, avalanche photodetector diodes, lasers, lock-in amplifiers, monochromators, modulators, photomultipliers and detectors, scopes, related electronics.