South Dakota School of Mines & Technology graduate Namita Shrestha said: "We have found that spoiled and damaged tomatoes left over from harvest can be a particularly powerful source of energy when used in a biological or microbial electrochemical cell.
Spoiled and damaged tomatoes left over from harvest can be a particularly powerful source of energy, said Namita Shrestha, a PhD student at the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, who is working on the project.
We have found that spoiled and damaged tomatoes left over from harvest can be a particularly powerful source of energy when used in a biological or microbial electrochemical cell, said Namita Shrestha, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
The research is currently being led by Namita Shrestha and other scientists under professor Venkataramana Gadhamshetty. The entire process takes a few weeks to complete, and the power output from the tomatoes begins to die off after 10 to 14 days.
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Namita Shrestha
Namita Shrestha
Namita Shrestha
Namita Shrestha
Namita Shrestha
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