The dead:Mohamed Dawood son of AbdullahKhudaydad son of Mohamed JumaNazar MohamedPayendoRobeenaShatarina daughter of Sultan MohamedZahra daughter of Abdul HamidNazia daughter of Dost MohamedMasooma daughter of Mohamed WazirFarida daughter of Mohamed WazirPalwasha daughter of Mohamed Wazir
Forward to Friend. NatASYa Mohamed Wazir. Private Profile. [Restricted to NatASYa's friends] ... Featured Sponsor. See results for NatASYa Mohamed Wazir ...
The Caribbean Revolution of the 21st Century:...
The Caribbean Revolution of the 21st Century: Local Reparations and Im...
46m 33s
IU East Faculty Excellence Video - Wazir Moha...
Wazir Mohamed talks about the classes he teaches, and his areas of stu...
3m 12s
From Sea Dam to Crown Dam, a conversation wit...
Maya Trotz and Wazir Mohamed host a conversation on Guyana Land Tenure...
2h 17m 22s
#khermuhammad song#wazirstanso...
... #pashto sad songs#khermuhamm... #khermuhammad lughat #kher muhamm...
3m 9s
East Indian Immigration and the Second Slaver...
The Indian Action Committee (IAC) Public Symposium 2017.
29m 28s
Ethics and the University Roundtable -- Wazir...
SUNY Binghamton "Ethics and the University" -- Wazir Mohamed, Graduate...