2010 to Present Senior Project ManagerESHONE ENERGY Santa Clara, CA 2009 to 2010 Project ManagerABBETT ELECTRIC San Francisco, CA 2003 to 2008 Project ManagerHSQ TECHNOLOGY South San Francisco, CA 1990 to 2002 Project ManagerHSQ Technology South San Francisco, CA 1986 to 1990 Purchasing Agent, Purchasing Manager, Materials Manager and Production Manager
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 1974 Master'sPoint Park University Pittsburgh, PA 1971 Bachelor'sSan Francisco State University San Francisco, CA
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Michael Lewine Manager
Mounted Patrol San Mateo County Inc Police Protection
Greggsville Elementary School Wheeling WV 1970-1974, Fulton Elementary School Wheeling WV 1974-1975, Woodsdale Elementary School Wheeling WV 1975-1976, Triadelphia Junior High School Wheeling WV 1976-1979
Linda Davis, Jeffrey Nolte, Paula Rich, Sherry Goff
Shannon Buzzard (1988-1992), Michael Jenkins (1984-1988), Whitney Wise (1967-1971), Alice Guthrie (1945-1949), Mike Lewine (1963-1967), Brian Trainer (1986-1990)
Michael Levin | Cell Intelligence in Physiolo...
Talk kindly contributed by Michael Levin in SEMF's 2022 Spacious Spati...
1h 11m 8s
Michael Levin; Regenerating limbs, layers of ...
Dr. Michael Levin returns to the podcast to talk about the unbelievabl...
1h 23m 14s
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Michael Chad Lewine The Human Link ...
4m 45s
TripleLift Investment Funds Next Innings For ...
TripleLift, the ad-tech company that was founded to enable scaled and ...
7m 34s
733: Alan Lewine on Sephardic Treasures
I've had the good fortune to work with Alan Lewine on the Internationa...
1h 5m 40s
Native Programmatic Comes of Age - Ari Lewine...
"Session recording from Industry Preview 2017 #IP2017 Session abstract...