Aug 2014 to 2000 Employee trainerDisney Cruise Line Castaway Cay
2011 to Jun 2013 Recreation staff, boat captain, coordinatorNorthfield pool and Fitness centre
2005 to 2010 Leisure assistant and gym instructorNorthfield pool and Fitness centre
2006 to 2009 leisure assistant + Personal trainerSubway
2004 to 2005 Manager and Store Key HolderAlbion Packaging Ltd
2004 to 2005 Worker
Loughborough College 2009 to 2010 DiplomaLoughborough University 2006 to 2009 BSc in Physics and Sports Science JointSt. Thomas Diploma in NutritionSecondary Education all Grades A-C certificate
maketh man' and know a thing or two about the most sophiticated weaponry seen in a non-Bond movie. Roxy (Sophie Cookson) is the lady who eventually makes it to the vacant position on the Kingsmen, a masterstroke from the director Matthew Vaugh to show how women are not far behind and sometimes up ahead.