Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited ...
Haiti Sings: Using the law to empower musicians
January 14, 2011 During the summer of 2010, three BU Law students, Val...
4m 27s
Deborah Goracke's USDA Licensed Puppy Mill, T...
The kennel was located at the west end of the property. It was a singl...
5m 36s
sawing Marks oak yard trees pt 2 # 351
sawing more oak yard trees so here's more video ! Hope you enjoy! We h...
25m 20s
Thank you - Glass House
While touring the release of their new record "Long Way Down", Glass H...
3m 51s
sawing the last pine log for the 2x4 order # ...
sawing one more pine log to finish the 2x4 order so we can start sawin...