7 credit hours each in Medical Surgical Nursing I and II provided quality and safe patient centered care to people experiencing respiratory, circulatory, renal, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and neurological alterations. Documented medication administration and procedures with proficiency. 1 credit hour in Pharmacology for Nurses. Safely identified drug classifications, actions, therapeutic dosages, side effects and patient education of selected medications. GPA 3.0 1 credit hour in Leadership in Nursing, learned proficient skills in safe, patient centered, quality care, effective delegation, supervision, communication, and collaborative care. GPA 3.0 5 credit hours in Fundamentals of Nursing. Completed head to toe assessments, wound care, medication administration to include: topical medications, and intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal injections. 3 credit hours, English composition II, GPA 3.0