
Margaret B Penno

age ~69

from Windsor, CO

Also known as:
  • Maggie B Penno

Margaret Penno Phones & Addresses

  • Windsor, CO
  • 695 Leaf St, York, PA 17404 • 717 767-1515
  • 513 Murdock Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212 • 410 377-5447
  • 1915 Saint Paul St, Baltimore, MD 21218 • 410 539-3761
  • 1313 Strafford Rd, Camp Hill, PA 17011
  • Sparks, MD
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Margaret Penno
BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, Inc.
Biotechnology · Medical Doctor's Office · Vocational School
2001 Aliceanna St, Baltimore, MD 21231
410 752-4224

Us Patents

  • Psychometric Assessment Testing Method

    view source
  • US Patent:
    20020061501, May 23, 2002
  • Filed:
    Aug 31, 2001
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Margaret Penno - Baltimore MD, US
  • International Classification:
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A method for psychometric assessment testing of both cognitive and motor ability to assimilate and follow instructions. The assessment method tasks a subject to assemble a subset of inter-fitting parts from a collection of parts in a specific manner as defined by an instruction set presented to the subject, and with the help of specific reference cues. A number of inter-fitting parts are placed before a subject, each bearing various labels for guiding assembly. Some of the parts are functionally similar except in dimension. Next, the subject is given a menu of the parts bearing not-to-scale illustrations of all the parts (labels omitted), and names for the respective parts. Next, the subject is given a ruler, and then a set of assembly instructions including a set of written directions for assembling a subset of the parts in a pre-selected manner by reference to part name, dimensions, and labeled indicia. The subject is instructed to begin, and an administrator times assembly. After completion, the administrator assesses the subject's aptitude by awarding points for properly assembling the subset of parts in the instructed manner, for steps taken by the subject during assembly, and for time to completion, the assessment thereby providing a measure of both cognitive ability and dexterity. The minimalistic content and sparse manner of delivering the instructions exercises the subject's ability to assimilate instructions on their own, as well as assimilating the apparent reference cues that he or she might need, thereby allowing full assessment of autonomy and self-orientation.


Margaret Penno Photo 1

Margaret Mary Penno

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